Name: Pokémon Polish Crystal
Author: Rangi42
Platform: GBC
Base Rom: Crystal
Version: v3.1.1
Update: February 1, 2025
Status: Completed
Language: English
Other Cheats:
codebreaker cheats
Battle Cheats
These cheats are designed for battles, allowing you to gain an edge over your opponents.
Enemy 1 HP
You must activate and deactivate it to work, if you leave it activated the enemy will have 1 life but will not die.
1-Hit Kill
Activate the cheat and the first item in the pokemart will be the one you chose.
Pokemon Cheats
Use these cheats to easily find different Pokémon, capture them without hassle, and gain experience quickly.
Wild Pokemon Modifier
Use this trick to choose any Pokémon you want to encounter in the wild by changing YYto the specific Pokémon code
Items Cheats
Utilize these cheats to acquire various in-game items, including Poké Balls, Rare Candies, Potions, and much more.
Pokemart Modifier
Activate the cheat and the first item in the pokemart will be the one you chose.
Item List
01 = Poké Ball
02 = Great Ball
03 = Ultra Ball
04 = Master Ball
05 = Safari ball
06 = Level Ball
07 = Lure Ball
08 = Moon Ball
09 = Friend Ball
0A = Fast Ball
0B = Heavy Ball
0C = Love Ball
0D = Repeat Ball
0E = Timer Ball
0F = Nest Ball
10 = Net Ball
11 = Dive Ball
12 = Luxury Ball
13 = Heal Ball
14 = Quick Ball
15 = Dusk Ball
16 = Dream Ball
17 = Premier Ball
18 = Cherish Ball
19 = Potion
1A = Super Potion
1B = Hyper Potion
1C = Max Potion
1D = Antidote
1E = Burn Heal
1F = ParalyzeHeal
20 = Awakening
21 = Ice Heal
22 = Full Heal
23 = Full Restore
24 = Revive
25 = Max Revive
26 = Ether
27 = Max Ether
28 = Elixir
29 = Max Elixir
2A = HP Up
2B = Protein
2C = Iron
2D = Carbos
2E = Calcium
2F = Zinc
30 = Rare Candy
31 = PP Up
32 = PP Max
33 = Fresh Water
34 = Soda Pop
35 = Lemonade
36 = Moomoo Milk
37 = Cake of Rage
38 = PewterCrunch
39 = EnergyPowder
3A = Energy Root
3B = Heal Powder
3C = Revival Herb
3D = Sacred Ash
5C = Berry Juice
5D = Repel
5E = Super Repel
5F = Max Repel
60 = Escape Rope
63 = Sweet Honey
6C = Ability Cap
6D = AblilityPatch
3E = Cherry Berry
3F = Chesto Berry
40 = Pecha Berry
41 = Rawst Berry
42 = Aspear Berry
43 = Leppa Berry
44 = Oran Berry
45 = Persim Berry
46 = Lum Berry
47 = Sitrus Berry
48 = Figy Berry
49 = Pomeg Berry
4A = Kelpsy Berry
4B = Qualot Berry
4C = Hondew Berry
4D = Grepa Berry
4E = Tamato Berry
4F = Liechi Berry
50 = Ganlon Berry
51 = Salac Berry
52 = Petaya Berry
53 = Apicot Berry
54 = Lansat Berry
55 = Starf Berry
56 = Enigma Berry
57 = Custap Berry
58 = Jaboca Berry
59 = Rowap Berry
5A = Kee Berry
5B = MarangaBerry
Battle Items
61 = Poké Doll
64 = X Attack
65 = X Defence
66 = X Speed
67 = X Sp. Atk
68 = X Sp. Def
69 = X Accuracy
6A = Dire Hit
6B = Guard Stats
62 = Mulch
DF = Odd Souvernir
E1 = Silver Leaf
E2 = Gold Leaf
E3 = Mint Leaf
E4 = Bottle Cap
E5 = Nugget
E6 = Big Nugget
E7 = TinyMushroom
E8 = Big Mushroom
E9 = BalmMushroom
EA = Pearl
EB = Big Pearl
EC = Pearl String
ED = Stardust
EE = Star Piece
EF = Brick Piece
F0 = Rare Bone
F1 = SlowpokeTail
Evo Stones
6E = Leaf Stone
6F = Fire Stone
70 = Water Stone
71 = Thunder Stone
72 = Ice Stone
73 = Moon Stone
74 = Sun Stone
75 = Dusk Stone
76 = Shiny Stone
E0 = Linking Cord
Hold Itens
77 = Everstone
78 = Exp. Share
79 = Silk Scarf
7A = Black Belt
7B = Sharp Beak
7C = Poison Barb
7D = Soft Sand
7E = Hard Stone
7F = SilverPowder
80 = Spell Tag
81 = Metal Coat
82 = Charcoal
83 = Mystic Water
84 = Miracle Seed
85 = Magnet
86 = TwistedSpoon
87 = NeverMeltIce
88 = Dragon Fang
89 = BlackGlasses
8A = Pink Bow
8B = Berserk Gene
8C = BrightPowder
8D = Quick Claw
8E = King’s Rock
8F = Amulet Coin
90 = Cleanse Tag
91 = Smoke Ball
92 = Focus Band
93 = Lucky Egg
94 = Leaftovers
95 = Soothe Bell
96 = Shell Bell
97 = Muscle Band
98 = Wise Glasses
99 = Expert Belt
9A = Light Clay
9B = Life Orb
9C = Focus Sash
9D = Metronome
9E = Iron Ball
9F = Lagging Tail
A0 = Destiny Knot
A1 = Grip Claw
A2 = Shed Shell
A3 = Big Root
A4 = Eviolite
A5 = Rocky Helmet
A6 = Air Balloon
A7 = Red Card
A8 = Binding Band
A9 = Eject Button
AA = Weak Policy
AB = Assault Vest
AC = Safe Goggles
AD = Protect Pads
AE = Throat Spray
AF = Eject Pack
B0 = Heavy Boots
B1 = BlundrPolicy
B2 = Room Service
B3 = Clear Amulet
B4 = Mirror Herb
B5 = PunchingGlove
B6 = Covert Cloak
B7 = Loaded Dice
B8 = Light Ball
B9 = Leek
BA = Thick Club
BB = Luck Punch
BC = Metal Powder
BD = Quick Powder
BE = Armor Suit
BF = Scope Lens
C0 = Wide Lens
C1 = Zoom Lens
C2 = Mental Herb
C3 = Power Herb
C4 = White Herb
C5 = Damp Rock
C6 = Heat Rock
C7 = Smooth Rock
C8 = Icy Rock
C9 = Choice Band
CA = Choice Scarf
CB = Choice Specs
CC = Flame Orb
CD = Toxic Orb
CE = Black Sludge
CF = Macho Brace
D0 = Power Weight
D1 = Power Bracer
D2 = Power Belt
D3 = Power Lens
D4 = Power Band
D5 = Power Ancklet
D6 = Dragon Scale
D7 = Up-Grade
D8 = Dubious Disc
D9 = Protector
DA = Electirizer
DB = Magmarizer
DC = Razor Fang
DD = Razor Claw
DE = Oval Stone
F2 = Helix Fossil
F3 = Dome Fossil
F4 = Old Amber
F5 = Flower Mail
F6 = Surf Mail
F7 = LiteBlueMail
F8 = PortraitMail
F9 = Lovely Mail
FA = Eon Mail
FB = Morph Mail
FC = BlueSky Mail
FD = Music Mail
FE = Mirage Mail
Sell x255
Max Money
Activate the cheat and when selling an item, press down to select the maximum number of items, which will be 255.