Ability Capsule |
Hold items |
A capsule that allows a Pokémon with two Abilities to switch
between these Abilities when it is used. |
Ability Patch |
General items |
Changes a Pokémon’s ability to its Hidden Ability. |
Ability Shield |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This cute and rather uniquelooking shield
protects the holder from having its Ability changed by others. |
Ability Urge |
Battle items |
When used, it activates the Ability of an ally Pokémon. |
Abomasite |
Hold items |
Enables Abomasnow to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Absolite |
Hold items |
Enables Absol to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Absorb Bulb |
Hold items |
A consumable bulb. If the holder is hit by a Watertype move, its Sp. Atk will rise. |
Academy Ball |
The academy’s standardissue ball in a regulation size. Lots of students
believe that if you kick it right on the academy emblem, it’ll fly in a straight line. |
Academy Bottle |
A bottle emblazoned with the academy’s emblem. It’s light, sturdy, and vacuum
insulated, so it’ll keep your hots hot and your colds cold. |
Academy Cup |
The academy’s standardissue cup for picnicking. The careful design of its
mouth makes it popular both inside and outside the academy. |
Academy Tablecloth |
The academy’s standardissue tablecloth. It’s made with the latest
fiberprocessing technology and is so tough that not even a Razor Claw can tear it. |
Adamant Crystal |
Hold items |
Adamant Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Adamant nature. |
Adamant Orb |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Dragon and Steeltype moves when held by Dialga. |
Adrenaline Orb |
Hold items |
Using it makes wild Pokémon more likely to call for help. If held by a
Pokémon, it boosts Speed when intimidated. It can be used only once. |
Aerodactylite |
Hold items |
Enables Aerodactyl to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Aggronite |
Hold items |
Enables Aggron to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Aguav Berry |
Berries |
Restores HP if it’s low, but may cause confusion. |
Air Balloon |
Hold items |
When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon will float into the air. When the holder
is attacked, this item will burst. |
Alakazite |
Hold items |
Enables Alakazam to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Alomomola Mucus |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Alomomola, used in TM crafting. |
Aloraichium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Alolan Raichu to upgrade Thunderbolt to a ZMove, Stoked Sparksurfer. |
Altarianite |
Hold items |
Enables Altaria to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Ampharosite |
Hold items |
Enables Ampharos to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Amulet Coin |
Hold items |
Doubles prize money if held. |
Antidote |
Medicine |
Cures a Pokémon of poisoning. |
Apicot Berry |
Berries |
Raises Special Defense when HP is low. |
Apple |
This very sweet ingredient is sliced thin to make it easy to add into a sandwich. |
Applin Juice |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Applin, used in TM crafting. |
Apricorn |
General items |
A fruit whose shell can be used to form the capsules of all manner of Poké Balls when crafting them from scratch. |
Armor Fossil |
General items |
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a collar. |
Armorite Ore |
General items |
Arrokuda Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Arrokuda, used in TM crafting. |
Aspear Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it defrosts it. |
Assault Vest |
Hold items |
Raises Special Defense but prevents the use of status moves. |
Audinite |
Hold items |
Enables Audino to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Auspicious Armor |
General items |
Evolves Charcadet into Armarouge. |
Aux Evasion |
Battle items |
Makes moves less likely to strike a Pokémon during a battle. |
Aux Guard |
Battle items |
Sharply boosts the defensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. |
Aux Power |
Battle items |
Sharply boosts the offensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. |
Aux Powerguard |
Battle items |
Sharply boosts the offensive and defensive stats of a Pokémon during a
battle. |
Avocado |
An ingredient with sweet notes—though its flavor is very mild. The avocado’s
richness, however, makes it satisfying to eat. |
Awakening |
Medicine |
Wakes up a sleeping Pokémon. |
Axew Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Axew, used in TM crafting. |
Azurill Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Azurill, used in TM crafting. |
B&W Grass Tablecloth |
A tablecloth with a fun, trendy blackandwhite design featuring Pokémon that
seem poised to leap from the tall grass at any moment. |
Babiri Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Steeltype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Bach’s Food Tin |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The
tinned food that Bach sells is curiously popular in Galar. |
Bacon |
This very salty ingredient has been cooked just shy of charred, making it
burst with fragrance and tasty flavor. |
Bagon Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bagon, used in TM crafting. |
Baguette |
A long loaf sliced into top and bottom halves. Its aroma of wheat and its
straightforward, salty flavor make it pair well with all kinds of sandwich ingredients. |
Ball of Mud |
General items |
Balm Mushroom |
General items |
A rare mushroom which gives off a nice fragrance. A maniac will buy it for a
high price. |
Banana |
A very sweet ingredient. This goto fruit is sweet and rich, and it’s beloved
by many Pokémon. |
Banettite |
Hold items |
Enables Banette to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Barboach Slime |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Barboach, used in TM crafting.
Barred Cup |
A cup that’s as good for using at home as on a picnic. It’s light, sturdy, and
stacks well, so it’s a cinch to pack up and carry around. |
Basculin Fang |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Basculin, used in TM crafting.
Basil |
A very bitter ingredient that’s quite versatile, as herbs go. It’s fragrant
and goes well with tomatoes. |
Battle Tablecloth |
A garish, eyecatching tablecloth. Putting this on your picnic table will
inspire any person or Pokémon who eats there to do their best. |
Beach Glass |
General items |
A piece of colored glass. Waves have rounded its edges. It’s slightly rough to
the touch. |
Bean Cake |
General items |
Beast Ball |
Pokeballs |
A special Poké Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. It has a low success rate
for catching others. |
Beedrillite |
Hold items |
Enables Beedrill to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Belue Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a
high price. |
Bergmite Ice |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bergmite, used in TM crafting. |
Berry Juice |
Medicine |
Restores 20 HP. |
Berry Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Blueberry Flavor Alcremie. |
Big Bamboo Shoot |
A large and rare bamboo shoot. It’s extremely popular with a certain class of
gourmands. |
Big Malasada |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Big Mushroom |
General items |
A large and rare mushroom. It is sought after by collectors. |
Big Nugget |
General items |
A big nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. A maniac will buy
it for a high price. |
Big Pearl |
General items |
A quitelarge pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops. |
Big Root |
Hold items |
Recovers more HP from HPstealing moves. |
Binding Band |
Hold items |
A band that increases the power of binding moves when held. |
Bitter Herba Mystica |
A legendary condiment with a deeply bitter taste. It’s said to dramatically
bolster a body’s immune defenses, though that hasn’t been proven. |
Black Apricorn |
General items |
A black Apricorn. It has an indescribable scent. |
Black Augurite |
General items |
A glassy black stone that produces a sharp cutting edge when split. It’s loved
by a certain Pokémon. |
Black Belt |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Fightingtype moves. |
Black Flute |
General items |
A toy flute made from black glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Black Glasses |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Darktype moves. |
Black Sludge |
Hold items |
A held item that gradually restores the HP of Poisontype Pokémon. It inflicts
damage on all other types. |
Black Tumblestone |
General items |
Blank Plate |
Hold items |
Blastoisinite |
Hold items |
Enables Blastoise to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Blazikenite |
Hold items |
Enables Blaziken to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Blue Apricorn |
General items |
A blue Apricorn. It smells a bit like grass. |
Blue Bottle |
A goto bottle widely used for drinks at picnics. Its simple design and
portability make it popular among all sorts of people. |
Blue Cup |
A cup sold with the Blue Bottle. The two don’t stack, so they’re tough to
pack—but they look good, so they’re popular with those who like to post picnic photos. |
Blue Dish |
A dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the
food or the mood. The blue variety is a consistent strong seller. |
Blue Flute |
General items |
A toy flute made from blue glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price.
Blue Poké Ball Pick |
A sandwich pick with a simple blue Poké Ball design. Often used by Trainers
who picked a Watertype Pokémon for their first partner. |
Blue Scarf |
General items |
Raises holder’s Beauty aspect in a Contest. |
Blue Shard |
General items |
A small blue shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long
ago. |
Blue Tablecloth |
A simple blue tablecloth. It’s smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes
can be placed on it with hardly a sound. |
Blue-Flag Pick |
This pick flies a blue flag that lends an air of adventure. The flag itself is
made of card stock, so it’ll fly proudly even with no wind. |
Blue-Sky Flower Pick |
A flower pick designed to evoke a blue sky. It’s part of a line of
“skyflower” picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. |
Bluk Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a
high price. |
Blunder Policy |
Hold items |
Raises Speed sharply if its attack misses. |
Bob’s Food Tin |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The
tinned food that Bob sells is curiously popular in Galar. |
Boiled Egg |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Even
just one boiled egg can really enhance a dish. |
Bold Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Bold nature. |
Bombirdier Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bombirdier, used in TM crafting. |
Bonsly Tears |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bonsly, used in TM crafting. |
Booster Energy |
An item to be held by Pokémon with certain Abilities. The energy that fills this capsule boosts the strength of the Pokémon. |
Bottle Cap |
General items |
Maximizes one IV stat in Hyper Training. |
Bounsweet Sweat |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bounsweet, used in TM crafting. |
Bramblin Twig |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bramblin, used in TM crafting. |
Brave Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Brave nature. |
Bread |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. An indispensable tool for mopping up that extra curry left on your plate. |
Bright Powder |
Hold items |
Lowers the opponent’s accuracy. |
Brittle Bones |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The taste boiled off from the bones is sure to give a dish a light umami taste. |
Bronze Bottle |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Bronze Cup |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Bronzor Fragment |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bronzor, used in TM crafting. |
Bruxish Tooth |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Bruxish, used in TM crafting. |
Bug Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Bugtype move only once. |
Bug Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Bug type. |
Bug Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Bug. |
Buginium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Savage SpinOut, the Bug type ZMove. |
Bugwort |
General items |
Buizel Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Buizel, used in TM crafting. |
Burn Drive |
Hold items |
Changes Techno Blast to a Firetype move when held by Genesect. |
Burn Heal |
Medicine |
Cures a Pokémon of a burn. |
Butter |
A condiment that unites salty and sweet and also packs a richness that makes bread a delight to eat. The finest butter products are made of 100 percent Moomoo Milk. |
Cacnea Needle |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cacnea, used in TM crafting. |
Cake-Lure Base |
General items |
Calcium |
Medicine |
Increases Special Attack EVs by 10. |
Calm Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Calm nature. |
Cameruptite |
Hold items |
Enables Camerupt to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Candy Truffle |
General items |
Capsakid Seed |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Capsakid, used in TM crafting. |
Careful Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Careful nature. |
Carrot Seeds |
General items |
Seeds to plant in a field. The kind of carrot you’ll get is determined by which field you plant the seeds in. |
Casteliacone |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Caster Fern |
General items |
Cell Battery |
Hold items |
A consumable battery. If the holder is hit by an Electrictype move, its Attack will rise. |
Cetoddle Grease |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cetoddle, used in TM crafting. |
Chalky Stone |
General items |
A small whitish stone picked up at the edge of the road. |
Charcadet Soot |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Charcadet, used in TM crafting. |
Charcoal |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Firetype moves. |
Charizardite X |
Hold items |
Enables Charizard to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Charizardite Y |
Hold items |
Enables Charizard to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Charti Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Rocktype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Cheese |
A very salty ingredient. This thinly sliced cheese is perfect for adding to a sandwich. |
Cheri Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from paralysis. |
Cherish Ball |
Pokeballs |
Rare Poké Ball used for event Pokémon. |
Cherry Tomatoes |
A very tart ingredient. Some varieties are also very sweet, and these are prized above all others by the people of Paldea. |
Chesto Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from sleep. |
Chewtle Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Chewtle, used in TM crafting. |
Chilan Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a Normaltype attack against the Pokémon holding this berry. |
Chili Sauce |
A condiment with a very spicy kick. It’s thanks to Scovillain that this sauce gets its signature mouthtingling burn. |
Chill Drive |
Hold items |
Changes Techno Blast to an Icetype move when held by Genesect. |
Chipped Pot |
Hold items |
Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist. |
Choice Band |
Hold items |
Raises Attack, but only one move can be used. |
Choice Dumpling |
General items |
Choice Scarf |
Hold items |
Raises Speed, but only one move can be used. |
Choice Specs |
Hold items |
Raises Special Attack, but only one move can be used. |
Chople Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Fightingtype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Chorizo |
A very salty and spicy ingredient. This type of sausage has particularly robust salty flavor, and the spicier varieties are extra popular. |
Clauncher Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Clauncher, used in TM crafting. |
Claw Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a claw. |
Cleanse Tag |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the holder is the first one in the party. |
Clear Amulet |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This clear, sparkling amulet protects the holder from having its stats lowered by moves used against it or by other Pokémon’s Abilities. |
Clever Feather |
Medicine |
Increases Special Defense EVs by 1. |
Clever Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases Special Defense EVs. |
Clover Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Clover Flavor Alcremie. |
Coba Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Flyingtype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Coconut Milk |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The refined sweetness of this coconut milk makes it quite popular. |
Colbur Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Darktype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Combee Honey |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Combee, used in TM crafting. |
Comet Shard |
General items |
A shard which fell to the ground when a comet approached. A maniac will buy
it for a high price. |
Cornn Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a
high price. |
Courage Candy |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Defense stat by 1. |
Courage Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Defense stat. |
Courage Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Defense stat. |
Cover Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea in ancient times. It
appears to be part of its back. |
Covert Cloak |
Hold items |
Conceals the holder, protecting it from the additional effects of moves.
Crabrawler Shell |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Crabrawler, used in TM
crafting. |
Cracked Pot |
Hold items |
Evolves Sinistea into Polteageist. |
Crafting Kit |
General items |
Cream Cheese |
A condiment offering very sweet and very tart flavor. It goes well with more
ingredients than you’d expect, making it a convenient goto. |
Croagunk Poison |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Croagunk, used in TM crafting.
Crunchy Salt |
General items |
Cryogonal Ice |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cryogonal, used in TM crafting.
Cubchoo Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cubchoo, used in TM crafting.
Cucumber |
A tart and bitter ingredient. Using it together with richtasting ingredients
in a sandwich will really make the most of a cucumber’s freshveggie aroma. |
Cufant Tarnish |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cufant, used in TM crafting.
Curry Powder |
A very spicy condiment. Just watch out—use too much of this potent seasoning,
and it’ll cancel out the other flavors. |
Custap Berry |
Berries |
Holder can move first when HP is low. |
Cyber Ball |
A ball themed after hardcore gaming PCs. It may not light up like its
inspiration, but it still stands out. |
Cyclizar Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Cyclizar, used in TM crafting.
Damp Mulch |
General items |
A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A
maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Damp Rock |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance used by
the holder. |
Dark Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Darktype move only once. |
Dark Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Dark type. |
Dark Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Dark. |
Darkinium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Black Hole Eclipse, the Dark type ZMove. |
Dawn Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Dazzling Honey |
General items |
Decidium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Decidueye to upgrade Spirit Shackle to a ZMove, Sinister Arrow Raid. |
Dedenne Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Dedenne, used in TM crafting.
Deep Sea Scale |
Hold items |
Increases Special Defense when held by Clamperl. Evolves Clamperl when traded
holding the item. |
Deep Sea Tooth |
Hold items |
Increases Special Attack when held by Clamperl. Evolves Clamperl when traded
holding the item. |
Deerling Hair |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Deerling, used in TM crafting.
Deino Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Deino, used in TM crafting.
Delibird Parcel |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Delibird, used in TM crafting.
Destiny Knot |
Hold items |
A long, thin, brightred string to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder becomes
infatuated, the foe does too. |
Diamond Bottle |
A diamondpatterned bottle that’s small, light, and even comes with a cup. The
detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. |
Diamond Pattern Cup |
A cup that’s as good for using at home as on a picnic. It’s light, sturdy, and
stacks well, so it’s a cinch to pack up and carry around. |
Diamond Tablecloth |
A tablecloth with a fashionable diamond pattern. It’s great at repelling water
and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. |
Diancite |
Hold items |
Enables Diancie to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Digger Drill |
A singleuse drill to bore a hole in the wall for your Secret Base. |
Diglett Dirt |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Diglett, used in TM crafting.
Dire Hit |
Battle items |
Raises criticalhit ratio of a Pokémon in battle. |
Dire Hit 2 |
Battle items |
Raises a Pokémon’s criticalhit ratio in battle. |
Dire Hit 3 |
Battle items |
Greatly raises a Pokémon’s criticalhit ratio in battle. |
Direshroom |
General items |
Discount Coupon |
General items |
This special coupon allows you to buy items at a discount when you are shopping at a boutique. |
Discovery Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Discovery Room at Ramanas Park. |
Distortion Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Distortion Room at Ramanas Park. |
Ditto Goo |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Ditto, used in TM crafting.
Dive Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Pokémon that live in water with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball |
DNA Splicers |
General items |
A splicer that fuses Kyurem and a certain Pokémon. They are said to have been one in the beginning. |
Dome Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a shell. |
Dondozo Whisker |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Dondozo, used in TM crafting.
Doppel Bonnets |
General items |
Douse Drive |
Hold items |
Changes Techno Blast to a Watertype move when held by Genesect. |
Draco Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Dragontype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Dragon. |
Dragon Fang |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Dragontype moves. |
Dragon Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Dragontype move only once. |
Dragon Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Dragon type. |
Dragon Scale |
General items |
Evolves Seadra when traded holding the item. |
Dragon Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Dragon. |
Dragonium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Devastating Drake, the Dragon type ZMove. |
Dratini Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Dratini, used in TM crafting. |
Dread Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Darktype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Dark. |
Dream Ball |
Pokeballs |
A special Poké Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. It can catch any Pokémon. |
Dreepy Powder |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Dreepy, used in TM crafting. |
Drifloon Gas |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Drifloon, used in TM crafting. |
Dropped Item |
Hold items |
The Xtransceiver found at the Nimbasa City amusement park. It seems it belongs to a boy. |
Drowzee Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Drowzee, used in TM crafting. |
Dubious Disc |
General items |
Evolves Porygon2 when traded holding the item. |
Dunsparce Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Dunsparce, used in TM crafting. |
Durin Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Dusk Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Pokémon at night or in caves with 3x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. |
Dusk Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Dynamax Candy |
Medicine |
Raises Dynamax Level. |
Dynite Ore |
General items |
Mysterious ore that can be obtained in the Max Lair. Something good will happen if you give it to a collector in the Crown Tundra. |
Earth Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Groundtype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Ground. |
Eevee Cup |
A cup for bigtime Pokémon fans. Kids will happily drink out of it, making it a boon to parents. |
Eevee Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Eevee, used in TM crafting. |
Eevium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Eevee to upgrade Last Resort to a ZMove, Extreme Evoboost. |
Egg |
An ingredient with a touch of saltiness. It’s full of nutrients and can be enjoyed with all sorts of seasonings. |
Eiscue Down |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Eiscue, used in TM crafting. |
Eject Button |
Hold items |
If the holder is hit by an attack, it will switch with another Pokémon in your party. |
Eject Pack |
Hold items |
The Pokémon switches out if its stats are lowered. |
Electirizer |
General items |
Evolves Electabuzz when traded holding the item. |
Electric Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of an Electrictype move only once. |
Electric Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Electric type. |
Electric Seed |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Defense on Electric Terrain. It can only be used once. |
Electric Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Electric. |
Electrium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Gigavolt Havoc, the Electric type ZMove. |
Elevator Key |
Hold items |
A card key that activates the elevator in Lysandre Labs. It is emblazoned with Team Flare’s logo. |
Elixir |
Medicine |
Restores 10 PP to all moves of a Pokémon. |
Energy Powder |
Medicine |
Restores 60 HP but lowers Friendship. |
Energy Root |
Medicine |
Restores 120 HP but lowers Friendship. |
Enigma Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it restores its HP if it is hit by any supereffective attack. |
Escape Rope |
General items |
A long, durable rope. Use it to escape instantly from a cave or a dungeon. |
Ether |
Medicine |
Restores 10 PP to one move of a Pokémon. |
Everstone |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone is prevented from evolving. |
Eviolite |
Hold items |
A mysterious evolutionary lump. When held, it raises the Defense and Sp. Def of a Pokémon that can still evolve. |
Exercise Ball |
A big ball designed for exercising. It can work as a seat if you get tired, too. |
Exp. Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases the Pokémon’s Exp points by 10,000. |
Exp. Candy M |
Medicine |
Increases the Pokémon’s Exp points by 3,000. |
Exp. Candy S |
Medicine |
Increases the Pokémon’s Exp points by 800. |
Exp. Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases the Pokémon’s Exp. Points by 30,000. |
Exp. Candy XS |
Medicine |
Increases the Pokémon’s Exp points by 100. |
Exp. Share |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder gets a share of a battle’s Exp. Points without battling. |
Expert Belt |
Hold items |
Increases the power of supereffective moves. |
Fairium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Twinkle Tackle, the Fairy type ZMove. |
Fairy Gem |
General items |
Increases the power of a Fairytype move only once. |
Fairy Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Fairy type. |
Fairy Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Fairy. |
Falinks Sweat |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Falinks, used in TM crafting. |
Fancy Apple |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. An
apple chosen above others. It has spectacular form and a brilliant sheen. |
Fast Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon which are quick to run
away. |
Feather Ball |
Pokeballs |
Festival Ticket |
General items |
A ticket that allows you to host a mission in Festival Plaza. |
Fidough Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Fidough, used in TM crafting.
Fighting Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Fightingtype move only once. |
Fighting Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Fighting type. |
Fighting Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Fighting. |
Fightinium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of AllOut Pummeling, the Fighting type ZMove. |
Figy Berry |
Berries |
Restores HP if it’s low, but may cause confusion. |
Fine Remedy |
Medicine |
Finizen Mucus |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Finizen, used in TM crafting.
Finneon Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Finneon, used in TM crafting.
Fire Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Firetype move only once. |
Fire Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Fire type. |
Fire Pattern Cup |
A cup that’s as good for using at home as on a picnic. It’s light, sturdy, and
stacks well, so it’s a cinch to pack up and carry around. |
Fire Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Fire Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Fire. |
Firium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Inferno Overdrive, the Fire type ZMove. |
Fist Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Fightingtype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Fighting.
Flabébé Pollen |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Flabébé, used in TM crafting.
Flame Orb |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a burn on
the holder in battle. |
Flamigo Down |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Flamigo, used in TM crafting.
Fletchling Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Fletchling, used in TM
crafting. |
Flittle Down |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Flittle, used in TM crafting.
Float Stone |
Hold items |
A very light stone. It reduces the weight of a Pokémon when held. |
Flower Pattern Cup |
A cup for kids to use at picnics. It’s made of light but strong material. It’s
stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. |
Flower Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Flower Flavor Alcremie. |
Fluffy Tail |
General items |
An item that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild
Pokémon. |
Flying Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Flyingtype move only once. |
Flying Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Flying. |
Flyinium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Supersonic Skystrike, the Flying type ZMove. |
Focus Band |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder may endure a potential KO attack,
leaving it with just 1 HP. |
Focus Sash |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP. |
Fomantis Leaf |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Fomantis, used in TM crafting.
Foongus Spores |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Foongus, used in TM crafting.
Fossilized Bird |
General items |
The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once soared through the sky. What it
looked like is a mystery. |
Fossilized Dino |
General items |
The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked
like is a mystery. |
Fossilized Drake |
General items |
The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once roamed the land. What it looked
like is a mystery. |
Fossilized Fish |
General items |
The fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked
like is a mystery. |
Fresh Cream |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Add
some whipped cream to a spicy curry to give it some sweetness. |
Fresh Water |
Medicine |
Restores 30 HP. |
Fresh-Start Mochi |
Medicine |
Resets a Pokémon’s EVs. |
Fried Fillet |
When used in a sandwich, this very salty and bitter ingredient is at its best
paired with sour seasonings. |
Fried Food |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. It’s
been a while since it was fried, so it’s gotten greasy. |
Friend Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball that makes caught Pokémon more friendly. |
Frigibax Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Frigibax, used in TM crafting.
Fruit Bunch |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The
syrupy fruits give off a strong tropical feel. |
Full Heal |
Medicine |
Cures a Pokémon of any status condition. |
Full Incense |
Hold items |
Holder always attacks last. Breeding Snorlax produces Munchlax when held.
Full Restore |
Medicine |
Fully restores HP and cures any status condition of a Pokémon. |
Galarica Cuff |
General items |
Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro. |
Galarica Twig |
General items |
Used to create Galarica Cuff/Wreath, to evolve Galarian Slowpoke. |
Galarica Wreath |
General items |
Evolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking. |
Galladite |
Hold items |
Enables Gallade to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Ganlon Berry |
Berries |
Raises Defense when HP is low. |
Garchompite |
Hold items |
Enables Garchomp to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Gardevoirite |
Hold items |
Enables Gardevoir to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Gastly Gas |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Gastly, used in TM crafting. |
Gengarite |
Hold items |
Enables Gengar to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Genius Feather |
Medicine |
Increases Special Attack EVs by 1. |
Genius Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases Special Attack EVs. |
Genome Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Genome Room at Ramanas Park. |
Gentle Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Gentle nature. |
Ghost Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Ghosttype move only once. |
Ghost Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Ghost type. |
Ghost Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Ghost. |
Ghostium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of NeverEnding Nightmare, the Ghost type ZMove. |
Gible Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Gible, used in TM crafting. |
Gigantamix |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. A mysterious spice. Even a tiny sprinkle is sure to make a curry gigantic. |
Gigaton Ball |
Pokeballs |
A powerful Pokéball that can capture very strong Pokémon with greater success. |
Gimmighoul Coin |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Gimmighoul. Allows evolution into Gholdengo. |
Girafarig Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Girafarig, used in TM crafting. |
Glimmet Crystal |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Glimmet, used in TM crafting. |
Gold Bottle |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Gold Bottle Cap |
General items |
Maximizes all of a Pokémon’s IV stats in Hyper Training. |
Gold Cup |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Gold Leaf |
General items |
A rare and valuable leaf that can be sold for a high price. |
Gold Pick |
A golden pick that oozes class. Using it on a sandwich lends an extravagant air that’ll make you want to eat up, even if you don’t love the fillings. |
Golden Nanab Berry |
Berries |
Drastically calms a Pokémon in battle, in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee. |
Golden Pinap Berry |
Berries |
Drastically increases chance of getting items when a Pokémon is caught, in Pokémon Let’s Go. |
Golden Razz Berry |
Berries |
Makes a Pokémon easier to catch in Pokémon Let’s Go. |
Gooey Mulch |
General items |
A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Goomy Goo |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Goomy, used in TM crafting. |
Gothita Eyelash |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Gothita, used in TM crafting. |
Grain Cake |
General items |
A sweet cake made from grains. It’s a favorite treat for many Pokémon. |
Grass Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Grasstype move only once. |
Grass Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Grass type. |
Grass Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Grass. |
Grassium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Bloom Doom, the Grass type ZMove. |
Grassy Seed |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Defense on Grassy Terrain. It can only be used once. |
Great Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon with 1.5x the rate of a Poké Ball. |
Greavard Wax |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Greavard, used in TM crafting. |
Green Apricorn |
General items |
A green Apricorn. It has a mysterious, aromatic scent. |
Green Bell Pepper |
General items |
An ingredient with some bitterness. When sliced, it adds a nice accent to a sandwich. |
Green Dish |
General items |
A dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The green variety is quite popular. |
Green Poké Ball Pick |
General items |
A sandwich pick with a simple green Poké Ball design. Often used by Trainers who picked a Grasstype Pokémon for their first partner. |
Green Scarf |
General items |
Raises holder’s Smart aspect in a Contest. |
Green Shard |
General items |
A small green shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long ago. |
Grepa Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers Special Defense EVs. |
Grimer Toxin |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Grimer, used in TM crafting. |
Grip Claw |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of multiturn attacks like Bind and Wrap. |
Griseous Core |
Hold items |
An item that plays a role in the mysterious power of a certain Pokémon in Sinnoh. |
Griseous Orb |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Dragon and Ghosttype moves when held by Giratina, and changes it to Origin Forme. |
Grit Dust |
Hold items |
Raises EVs by 1 in Legends: Arceus, when current EVs are between 02. |
Grit Gravel |
Hold items |
Raises EVs by 1 in Legends: Arceus, when current EVs are between 35. |
Grit Pebble |
Hold items |
Raises EVs by 1 in Legends: Arceus, when current EVs are between 68. |
Grit Rock |
Hold items |
Raises EVs by 1 in Legends: Arceus, when current EVs are between 89. |
Ground Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Groundtype move only once. |
Ground Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Ground type. |
Ground Tera Shard |
Hold items |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Ground. |
Groundium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Tectonic Rage, the Ground type ZMove. |
Growlithe Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Growlithe, used in TM crafting. |
Growth Mulch |
General items |
A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Grubby Hanky |
Hold items |
A handkerchief dropped by a regular at Café Warehouse. It smells faintly like a Pokémon. |
Guard Spec. |
Battle items |
Prevents stat reduction for five turns. |
Gulpin Mucus |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Gulpin, used in TM crafting. |
Gyaradosite |
Hold items |
Enables Gyarados to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Haban Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Dragontype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Ham |
General items |
A very salty ingredient—and that very saltiness is what makes it such a nice companion to veggies. |
Happiny Dust |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Happiny, used in TM crafting. |
Hamburger |
General items |
This very salty ingredient is the thing to add if you want to make your sandwich truly filling. |
Happiny Dust |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Happiny, used in TM crafting. |
Hard Stone |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Rocktype moves. |
Hasty Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Hasty nature. |
Hatenna Dust |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Hatenna, used in TM crafting. |
Hawlucha Down |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Hawlucha, used in TM crafting. |
Heal Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon and fully heals them. |
Heal Powder |
Medicine |
Heals all status problems, but lowers Friendship. |
Health Candy |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s HP stat by 1. |
Health Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s HP stat. |
Health Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s HP stat. |
Health Feather |
Medicine |
Increases HP EVs by 1. |
Health Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases HP EVs. |
Heart Scale |
General items |
A pretty, heartshaped scale that is extremely rare. It glows faintly in the colors of the rainbow. |
Hearty Grains |
General items |
Grains known for their hearty flavor and nutritional benefits. |
Heat Rock |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Sunny Day used by the holder. |
Heavy Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball for catching very heavy Pokémon. |
Heavy-Duty Boots |
Hold items |
Protects the holder from traps set on the battlefield. |
Helix Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a seashell. |
Heracronite |
Hold items |
Enables Heracross to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Heracross Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Heracross, used in TM crafting. |
Herbed Sausage |
General items |
A very salty and bitter ingredient. The balance between the potent saltiness and the herbs’ bitterness make this sausage a pleasure. |
Hi-tech Earbuds |
Hold items |
Strange earbuds that allow you to freely control the volume of various sounds. |
Hippopotas Sand |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Hippopotas, used in TM crafting. |
HM01 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Cut. |
HM02 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Fly. |
HM03 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Surf. |
HM04 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Strength. |
HM05 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Flash/Defog/Whirlpool/Waterfall. |
HM06 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Whirlpool/Rock Smash/Dive. |
HM07 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Waterfall. |
HM08 |
Machines |
Teaches the move Dive/Rock Climb. |
Hometown Muffin |
General items |
Hondew Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers Special Attack EVs. |
Honey |
General items |
A sweet honey with a lush aroma that attracts wild Pokémon when it is used in
grass, caves, or on special trees. |
Honey Cake |
General items |
Honor Of Kalos |
Hold items |
A precious symbol that is awarded only to an individual who has done great
things for the Kalos region. |
Hopo Berry |
General items |
A Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its PP. If a wild Pokémon eats
one of these Berries, that Pokémon’s reactions will be dulled. |
Hoppip Leaf |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Hoppip, used in TM crafting. |
Horseradish |
A very spicy condiment. Its distinctive sharp sizzle in your sinuses makes it
a good match for rich fillings. |
Houndoominite |
Hold items |
Enables Houndoom to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Houndour Fang |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Houndour, used in TM crafting. |
HP Up |
Medicine |
Increases HP EVs by 10. |
Hyper Potion |
Medicine |
Restores 120 HP. |
Iapapa Berry |
Berries |
Restores HP if it’s low, but may cause confusion. |
Ice Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of an Icetype move only once. |
Ice Heal |
Medicine |
Cures a Pokémon of freezing. |
Ice Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Ice type. |
Ice Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Ice Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Ice. |
Iceroot Carrot |
General items |
Produce that the King of Bountiful Harvests’ beloved steed likes to eat. It grew in a field covered in snow. |
Icicle Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Icetype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Ice. |
Icium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Subzero Slammer, the Ice type ZMove. |
Icy Rock |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Hail used by the holder. |
Igglybuff Fluff |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Igglybuff, used in TM crafting. |
Impidimp Hair |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Impidimp, used in TM crafting. |
Impish Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Impish nature. |
Incinium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Incineroar to upgrade Darkest Lariat to a ZMove, Malicious Moonsault. |
Indeedee Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Indeedee, used in TM crafting. |
Insect Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Bugtype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Bug. |
Instant Noodles |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. It has a junkfood sort of taste, but it goes well with curry. |
Intriguing Stone |
Hold items |
A rather curious stone that might appear to be valuable to some. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. |
Iron |
Medicine |
Increases Defense EVs by 10. |
Iron Ball |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed. It makes Flyingtype and levitating holders susceptible to Ground moves. |
Iron Barktongue |
General items |
Iron Chunk |
General items |
Iron Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Steeltype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Steel. |
Item Drop |
Battle items |
When used, it causes an ally Pokémon to drop a held item. |
Item Urge |
Battle items |
When used, it causes an ally Pokémon to use its held item. |
Jaboca Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon and a physical attack lands, the attacker also takes damage. |
Jalapeño |
A very spicy ingredient—so spicy as to leave no room for ambivalence about it. You either like it or you don’t. |
Jam |
A condiment that’s very sweet and likewise very sour. Take care when adding it to sandwiches, as the sweet side can overwhelm. |
Jet Ball |
Pokeballs |
Jolly Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Jolly nature. |
Jubilife Muffin |
General items |
Kangaskhanite |
Hold items |
Enables Kangaskhan to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Kanto Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Kanto Room at Ramanas Park. |
Kasib Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Ghosttype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Kebia Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Poisontype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Kee Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will increase the holder’s Defense if it’s hit with a physical move. |
Kelpsy Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers Attack EVs. |
Ketchup |
A condiment with very salty and tart flavor. While a number of other ingredients go into its signature flavor, the noble tomato is its heart and soul. |
King’s Leaf |
General items |
King’s Rock |
Hold items |
May cause opponent to flinch. Evolves Poliwhirl and Slowpoke when traded holding the item. |
Kiwi |
A very tart ingredient that has a light touch of sweetness as well. It goes well with rich ingredients. |
Klawf Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Klawf, used in TM crafting. |
Klawf Stick |
A very sweet and salty ingredient. It’s a nutritious processed food made with a concentrate derived from shed Klawf shells. |
Klefki Key |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Klefki, used in TM crafting. |
Kofu’s Wallet |
A wallet that was left behind by Kofu, the Gym Leader at the Cascarrafa Gym. You’re to deliver it to him at the market in Porto Marinada. |
Komala Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Komala, used in TM crafting. |
Kommonium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Kommoo to upgrade Clanging Scales to a ZMove, Clangorous Soulblaze. |
Koraidon’s Poké Ball |
A Poké Ball that can hold the mysterious Pokémon known as Koraidon. A boy named Arven gave it to you. |
Kricketot Shell |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Kricketot, used in TM crafting. |
Lagging Tail |
Hold items |
Holder always attacks last. |
Lansat Berry |
Berries |
Increases criticalhit ratio when HP is low. |
Large Leek |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Whether this is the kind of vegetable stalk that Farfetch’d like is unknown. |
Larvesta Fuzz |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Larvesta, used in TM crafting. |
Larvitar Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Larvitar, used in TM crafting. |
Latiasite |
Hold items |
Enables Latias to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Latiosite |
Hold items |
Enables Latios to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Lava Cookie |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Lax Incense |
Hold items |
Lowers the opponent’s accuracy. Breeding Wobbuffet produces Wynaut when held. |
Lax Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Lax nature. |
Leaden Ball |
Pokeballs |
Leader’s Crest |
A shard of what appears to be an old blade of some sort. It is held only by Bisharp that head up a group of Pawniard. |
Leaf Letter |
General items |
A letter written on a leaf. Something is written using Eevee’s footprints. |
Leafy Tablecloth |
A botanically themed tablecloth featuring Grasstype Pokémon. Can you find the Pokémon that doesn’t quite fit in? |
Lechonk Hair |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Lechonk, used in TM crafting. |
Leek |
Hold items |
Increases criticalhit ratio when held by Farfetch’d. |
Leftovers |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder’s HP is gradually restored during battle. |
Legend Plate |
Hold items |
Lemonade |
Medicine |
Restores 70 HP. |
Leppa Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it restores a move’s PP by 10. |
Lettuce |
This bittertasting ingredient is simple and straightforward—just add it to all kinds of other ingredients for a delightfully crunchy time. |
Level Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are a lower level than your own. |
Liechi Berry |
Berries |
Raises Attack when HP is low. |
Life Orb |
Hold items |
Increases the power of moves, but loses HP each turn. |
Light Ball |
Hold items |
An item to be held by PIKACHU. It is a puzzling orb that raises the Attack and Sp. Atk stat. |
Light Clay |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of barrier moves like Light Screen and Reflect used by the holder. |
Lilac Tablecloth |
A light purple tablecloth. It’s smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. |
Linking Cord |
General items |
A string exuding a mysterious energy that makes you feel a strange sense of connection. It’s loved by certain Pokémon. |
Litleo Tuft |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Litleo, used in TM crafting. |
Loaded Dice |
Hold items |
Makes multistrike moves more likely to hit more times. |
Lone Earring |
General items |
Lonely Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Lonely nature. |
Looker Ticket |
Hold items |
Decorated with a liberal amount of glittery paint. |
Lopunnite |
Hold items |
Enables Lopunny to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Lost Satchel |
General items |
Love Ball |
Pokeballs |
Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are the opposite gender of your Pokémon. |
Love Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Heart Flavor Alcremie. |
Lucarionite |
Hold items |
Enables Lucario to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Luck Incense |
Hold items |
Doubles prize money if held. Breeding Chansey or Blissey produces Happiny when held. |
Lucky Egg |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle. |
Lucky Punch |
Hold items |
Increases criticalhit ratio when held by Chansey. |
Lum Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from any status problem. |
Luminous Moss |
Hold items |
Raises Special Defense if hit by a Watertype move. |
Lumiose Galette |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Lunalium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Lunala to upgrade Moongeist Beam to a ZMove, Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom. |
Lure |
General items |
Attracts Pokémon in the wild. |
Lure Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked by a Rod when fishing. |
Lustrous Globe |
Hold items |
Lustrous Orb |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Dragon and Watertype moves when held by Palkia. |
Luvdisc Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Luvdisc, used in TM crafting. |
Luxury Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon and increases their friendship more quickly. |
Lycanium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Lycanroc to upgrade Stone Edge to a ZMove, Splintered Stormshards. |
Macho Brace |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a stiff and heavy brace that promotes strong growth but lowers Speed. |
Magical Heart Pick |
A pick shaped after a magic wand. Perhaps the real magic is the food maker’s wish for a delicious dish. |
Magical Star Pick |
A pick shaped after a magic wand. Perhaps the real magic is the food maker’s wish for a delicious dish. |
Magikarp Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Magikarp, used in TM crafting. |
Magmarizer |
General items |
Evolves Magmar when traded holding the item. |
Magnemite Screw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Magnemite, used in TM crafting. |
Magnet |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Electrictype moves. |
Mago Berry |
Berries |
Restores HP if it’s low, but may cause confusion. |
Magost Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Makuhita Sweat |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Makuhita, used in TM crafting. |
Malicious Armor |
General items |
Evolves Charcadet into Ceruledge. |
Manectite |
Hold items |
Enables Manectric to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Mankey Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Mankey, used in TM crafting. |
Maranga Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will increase the holder’s Sp. Def if it’s hit with a special move. |
Marble |
General items |
Mareanie Spike |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Mareanie, used in TM crafting. |
Mareep Wool |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Mareep, used in TM crafting. |
Marill Ball |
A Marillthemed ball. It’s soft and springy. Make sure you haven’t mistaken a real Marill for this ball before throwing. |
Marmalade |
A condiment with sour and bitter notes. It’s surprisingly useful, as it makes a nice counterpoint to oilier foods. |
Marsh Balm |
Hold items |
Marshadium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Marshadow to upgrade Spectral Thief to a ZMove, SoulStealing 7Star Strike. |
Maschiff Fang |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Maschiff, used in TM crafting. |
Master Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches any wild Pokémon without fail. |
Masterpiece Teacup |
General items |
Evolves Poltchageist (Masterpiece) into Sinistha (Masterpiece). |
Mawilite |
Hold items |
Enables Mawile to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Max Elixir |
Medicine |
Fully restores PP to all moves of a Pokémon. |
Max Ether |
Medicine |
Fully restores PP to one move of a Pokémon. |
Max Honey |
General items |
Max Lure |
General items |
Attracts Pokémon in the wild. |
Max Mushrooms |
General items |
Max Potion |
Medicine |
Fully restores HP. |
Max Repel |
General items |
An item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps after its use. |
Max Revive |
Medicine |
Revives a fainted Pokémon, fully restoring its HP. |
Mayonnaise |
A condiment that packs a very tart punch yet pairs well with various ingredients. |
Meadow Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Grasstype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Grass. |
Medichamite |
Hold items |
Enables Medicham to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Medicinal Leek |
General items |
Meditite Sweat |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Meditite, used in TM crafting. |
Mental Herb |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It snaps the holder out of infatuation. It can be used only once. |
Meowth Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Meowth, used in TM crafting. |
Metal Alloy |
General items |
Evolves Duraludon into Archaludon. |
Metal Coat |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Steeltype moves. Evolves Onix and Scyther when traded holding the item. |
Metal Powder |
Hold items |
Increases Defense when held by Ditto. |
Metronome |
Hold items |
Increases the power of moves used consecutively. |
Mewnium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Mew to upgrade Psychic to a ZMove, Genesis Supernova. |
Mewtwonite X |
Hold items |
Enables Mewtwo to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Mewtwonite Y |
Hold items |
Enables Mewtwo to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Micle Berry |
Berries |
Increases a move’s accuracy when HP is low. |
Mighty Candy |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Attack stat by 1. |
Mighty Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Attack stat. |
Mighty Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Attack stat. |
Mild Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Mild nature. |
Mimikium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Mimikyu to upgrade Play Rough to a ZMove, Let’s Snuggle Forever. |
Mimikyu Scrap |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Mimikyu, used in TM crafting. |
Mind Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Psychictype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Psychic. |
Mint Tablecloth |
A light mintcolored tablecloth. It’s smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. |
Miracle Seed |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Grasstype move |
Miraidon’s Poké Ball |
A Poké Ball that can hold the mysterious Pokémon known as Miraidon. A boy named Arven gave it to you. |
Mirror Herb |
Hold items |
Copies an opponent’s stat increases when consumed. |
Misdreavus Tears |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Misdreavus, used in TM crafting. |
Misty Seed |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Sp. Def on Misty Terrain. It can only be used once. |
Mixed Mushrooms |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The chewy texture of the mushrooms transforms any dish they’re added to. |
Modest Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Modest nature. |
Monstrous Tablecloth |
A tablecloth designed by the Pewter Museum of Science. The academic air of the pattern is a big hit with kids and adults alike. |
Moomoo Cheese |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Melted cheese can really give a curry some richness. |
Moomoo Milk |
Medicine |
Restores 100 HP. |
Moon Ball |
Pokeballs |
A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that evolve using the Moon Stone. |
Moon Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Mudbray Mud |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Mudbray, used in TM crafting. |
Murkrow Bauble |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Murkrow, used in TM crafting. |
Muscle Band |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Physicalcategory moves. |
Muscle Feather |
Medicine |
Increases Attack EVs by 1. |
Muscle Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases Attack EVs. |
Mushroom Cake |
General items |
Mustard |
A very spicy condiment that’s indispensable when bread is on the table. It pairs tremendously with ketchup. |
Mysterious Shard L |
A large shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses. |
Mysterious Shard S |
A small shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses. |
Mystic Water |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Watertype moves. |
Nacli Salt |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Nacli, used in TM crafting. |
Naive Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Naive nature. |
Nanab Berry |
Berries |
A Berry to be used in cooking. Calms a Pokémon in battle, in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee. |
Naughty Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Naughty nature. |
Nest Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches lower level wild Pokémon with a higher rate (up to 4x for level 1). |
Net Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Water and Bugtype Pokémon with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. |
Never-Melt Ice |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Icetype moves. |
Noibat Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Noibat, used in TM crafting. |
Nomel Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Noodles |
A nice salty ingredient. It’s unclear how well these boiled noodles will serve as a sandwich filling. |
Normal Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Normaltype move only once. |
Normal Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Normal. |
Normalium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Breakneck Blitz, the Normal type ZMove. |
Nugget |
General items |
A nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price to shops. |
Numel Lava |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Numel, used in TM crafting. |
Nymble Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Nymble, used in TM crafting. |
Occa Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Firetype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Oceanic Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Oceanic Room at Ramanas Park. |
Odd Incense |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Psychictype moves. Breeding Mr. Mime produces Mime Jr. when held. |
Odd Keystone |
General items |
A vital item that is needed to keep a stone tower from collapsing. Voices can be heard from it occasionally. |
Old Amber |
General items |
A piece of amber that contains the genetic material of an ancient Pokémon. It is clear with a reddish tint. |
Old Gateau |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Olive Oil |
A condiment offering faint notes of sour and bitter flavors. The most prized varieties are the ones Smoliv love the smell of—such oils’ quality is assured. |
Onion |
This spicy veggie is indispensable to many sandwiches. It goes well with rich ingredients. |
Orange Dish |
A dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The orange variety is the most popular of all. |
Oranguru Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Oranguru, used in TM crafting. |
Origin Ball |
Pokeballs |
Orthworm Tarnish |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Orthworm, used in TM crafting. |
Oval Charm |
General items |
An oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokémon Eggs being found at the Day Care. |
Oval Stone |
General items |
Evolves Happiny when held. |
Pachirisu Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pachirisu, used in TM crafting. |
Pack of Potatoes |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Potatoes help mellow out a spicy taste, to make a dish more mild. |
Packaged Curry |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Using packaged curry helps make sure there are no slipups when cooking. |
Pamtre Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Paralyze Heal |
Medicine |
Cures a Pokémon of paralysis. |
Parasol Pick |
Some complain that the parasol part of this pick is hard to hold on to, so your fingers get messy. Still, it’s fun to twirl this all around after you’ve eaten. |
Park Ball |
Pokeballs |
A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park. |
Party Sparkler Pick |
This pick features a small sparkler that goes off automatically. It’s used at parties or for guests of honor. It leaves an oddly appealing aroma once it’s burned out. |
Pass Orb |
Hold items |
A mysterious orb containing the power of the Unova region, to be used when generating Pass Power. |
Passho Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Watertype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Pasta |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. These flour noodles make for a surprisingly good match with curry. |
Pawmi Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pawmi, used in TM crafting. |
Pawniard Blade |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pawniard, used in TM crafting. |
Payapa Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Psychictype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Peach Tablecloth |
A light peachcolored tablecloth. It’s smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. |
Peanut Butter |
A very sweet condiment. People in Paldea seem to favor the sweet varieties over the unsweetened. |
Pearl |
General items |
A somewhatsmall pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold cheaply to shops. |
Pearl String |
General items |
Very large pearls that sparkle in a pretty silver color. A maniac will buy them for a high price. |
Peat Block |
General items |
A block of muddy material that can be used as fuel for burning when it is dried. It’s loved by a certain Pokémon. |
Pecha Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from poison. |
Pep-Up Plant |
General items |
Pepper |
A seasoning packing very spicy flavor. It goes nicely with oilier foods and works especially well when you add just a pinch for a hint of flavor. |
Permit |
General items |
A permit that is needed to enter the Nature Preserve. Not many know about it. |
Persim Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from confusion. |
Petaya Berry |
Berries |
Raises Special Attack when HP is low. |
Petilil Leaf |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Petilil, used in TM crafting. |
Pewter Crunchies |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Phanpy Nail |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Phanpy, used in TM crafting. |
Pichu Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pichu, used in TM crafting. |
Pickle |
This very sour ingredient is made by pickling veggies in a flavorful brine made from spices and vinegar. |
Picnic Set |
A roomy basket packed with all sorts of things for use when enjoying picnicking with your Pokémon. |
Pidgeotite |
Hold items |
Enables Pidgeot to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Pika-Pika Pick |
A Pickachu, as it were, sporting Pikachu’s usual expression. It’s easy to grab by the ears, which is part of why it’s so popular. |
Pikachu Cup |
A cup for bigtime Pokémon fans. Kids will happily drink out of it, making it a boon to parents. |
Pikanium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Pikachu to upgrade Volt Tackle to a ZMove, Catastropika. |
Pikashunium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Pikachu in a cap to upgrade Thunderbolt to a ZMove, 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. |
Pinap Berry |
Berries |
A Berry to be used in cooking. Increases chances of getting items when a Pokémon is caught, in Pokémon Let’s Go. |
Pincurchin Spines |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pincurchin, used in TM crafting. |
Pineapple |
This very tart ingredient is a fruit of southern lands, and its color and texture are a thrill. It’s been cut into chunks to be easily manageable. |
Pineco Husk |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Pineco, used in TM crafting. |
Pink Apricorn |
General items |
A pink Apricorn. It has a nice, sweet scent. |
Pink Bottle |
A goto bottle widely used for drinks at picnics. Its simple design and portability make it popular among all sorts of people. |
Pink Cup |
A cup sold with the Pink Bottle. The two don’t stack, so they’re tough to pack—but they look good, so they’re popular with those who like to post picnic photos.
Pink Nectar |
Hold items |
The flower nectar obtained at the flowering shrubs on Royal Avenue. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. |
Pink Scarf |
General items |
Raises holder’s Cute aspect in a Contest. |
Pink Tablecloth |
A simple pink tablecloth. It’s smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. |
Pinsirite |
Hold items |
Enables Pinsir to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Pixie Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Fairytype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Fairy. |
Plaid Tablecloth (B) |
A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The gentle blue plaid gives a table a crisp look. |
Plaid Tablecloth (R) |
A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The quietly composed red plaid gives the table some flair. |
Plaid Tablecloth (Y) |
A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The cheery yellow plaid brightens up a table. |
Plasma Card |
Hold items |
A card key needed to enter the password inside the Plasma Frigate. |
Plume Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that flew in the sky in ancient times. It appears to be part of its wing. |
Plume Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that flew in the sky in ancient times. It appears to be part of its wing. |
Plump Beans |
General items |
Poison Barb |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Poisontype moves. |
Poison Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Poisontype move only once. |
Poison Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Poison type. |
Poison Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Poison. |
Poisonium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Acid Downpour, the Poison type ZMove. |
Poké Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon. |
Poké Doll |
General items |
A doll that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild Pokémon. |
Poké Toy |
General items |
An item that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild Pokémon. |
Polished Mud Ball |
General items |
Polka-Dot Bottle |
A polkadotpatterned bottle that’s small, light, and even comes with a cup. The detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. |
Polka-Dot Cup |
A cup for kids to use at picnics. It’s made of light but strong material. It’s stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. |
Polka-Dot Tablecloth |
A tablecloth with a fashionable polkadot pattern. It’s great at repelling water and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. |
Pomeg Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers HP EVs. |
Pop Pod |
General items |
Potato Salad |
This very tart ingredient—a soft salad that’s all about potatoes—pairs tremendously well with bread. |
Potato Tortilla |
A very salty ingredient and a popular dish in Paldea. It’s undeniably filling. |
Potion |
Medicine |
Restores 20 HP. |
Power Anklet |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes Speed gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
Power Band |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
Power Belt |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes Defense gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
Power Bracer |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes Attack gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
Power Herb |
Hold items |
A singleuse item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of a move that charges on the first turn. |
Power Lens |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
Power Plant Pass |
Hold items |
This pass serves as an ID card for gaining access to the power plant that lies along Route 13. |
Power Weight |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that promotes HP gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. |
PP Max |
Medicine |
Raises the maximum PP of a move to its maximum. |
PP Up |
Medicine |
Raises the maximum PP of a move. |
Precooked Burger |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. If you’re unsure about what to cook, you can’t go wrong with some burger. |
Premier Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon; received after buying 10 Poké Balls. |
Pretty Feather |
General items |
Can be sold for a high price. |
Primarium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Primarina to upgrade Sparkling Aria to a ZMove, Oceanic Operetta. |
Prism Scale |
General items |
Evolves Feebas when traded holding the item. |
Prison Bottle |
Hold items |
Transforms Hoopa Confined to Hoopa Unbound. |
Prof’s Letter |
Hold items |
A letter that Professor Sycamore wrote to your mother. A faint but pleasant perfume seems to cling to the paper. |
Prosciutto |
General items |
This ingredient is very salty like regular ham, but the difference is prosciutto is not cooked after it is cured, giving it a fun freshness. |
Protective Pads |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. These pads protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target. |
Protector |
General items |
Evolves Rhydon when traded holding the item. |
Protein |
Medicine |
Increases Attack EVs by 10. |
Psychic Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Psychictype move only once. |
Psychic Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Psychic type. |
Psychic Seed |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Sp. Def on Psychic Terrain. It can only be used once. |
Psychic Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Psychic. |
Psychium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Shattered Psyche, the Psychic type ZMove. |
Psyduck Down |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Psyduck, used in TM crafting. |
Punching Glove |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This protective glove boosts the power of the holder’s punching moves and prevents direct contact with targets. |
Pungent Root |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Though carelessly picked, these herbs can add a fragrant accent to a dish. |
Pure Incense |
Hold items |
Decreases the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon. Breeding Chimecho produces Chingling when held. |
Purple Nectar |
Hold items |
A flower nectar obtained at Poni Meadow. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. |
Qualot Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers Defense EVs. |
Quick Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches wild Pokémon with a higher rate (5x) on the first turn of a battle. |
Quick Candy |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Speed stat by 1. |
Quick Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Speed stat. |
Quick Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Speed stat. |
Quick Claw |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. A light, sharp claw that lets the bearer move first occasionally. |
Quick Powder |
Hold items |
Increases Speed when held by Ditto. |
Quiet Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Quiet nature. |
Qwilfish Spines |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Qwilfish, used in TM crafting. |
Rabuta Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Rage Candy Bar |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Rainbow Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Rainbow Room at Ramanas Park. |
Ralts Dust |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Ralts, used in TM crafting. |
Rare Bone |
General items |
A bone that is extremely valuable for Pokémon archeology. It can be sold for a high price to shops. |
Rare Candy |
Medicine |
Raises a Pokémon’s level by 1. |
Rash Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Rash nature. |
Rawst Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it recovers from a burn. |
Razor Claw |
Hold items |
Increases criticalhit ratio. Evolves Sneasel when held at night. |
Razor Fang |
Hold items |
May cause opponent to flinch. Evolves Gligar when held at night. |
Razz Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Reaper Cloth |
General items |
Evolves Dusclops when traded holding the item. |
Red Apricorn |
General items |
A red Apricorn. It assails your nostrils. |
Red Bell Pepper |
An ingredient with some bitterness—but its bitter notes and overall flavor are pleasantly mild compared to its green cousin. |
Red Card |
Hold items |
A card with a mysterious power. When the holder is struck by a foe, the attacker is removed from battle. |
Red Dish |
A dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The red variety never fails to sell well. |
Red Flute |
General items |
A toy flute made from red glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Red Nectar |
Hold items |
A flower nectar obtained at Ula’ula Meadow. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. |
Red Onion |
An ingredient with some sweetness to it. Its spiciness and fragrance are milder than those of other onions, making it a pleasant bite. |
Red Poké Ball Pick |
A sandwich pick with a simple red Poké Ball design. Often used by Trainers who picked a Firetype Pokémon for their first partner. |
Red Scarf |
General items |
Raises holder’s Cool aspect in a Contest. |
Red Shard |
General items |
A small red shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long ago. |
Red-Flag Pick |
This pick flies a red flag that lends an air of adventure. The flag itself is made of card stock, so it’ll fly proudly even with no wind. |
Relaxed Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Relaxed nature. |
Relic Band |
General items |
A bracelet made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Copper |
General items |
A copper coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Crown |
General items |
A crown made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Gold |
General items |
A gold coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Silver |
General items |
A silver coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Statue |
General items |
A stone figure made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Relic Vase |
General items |
A vase made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Rellor Mud |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rellor, used in TM crafting. |
Remedy |
Medicine |
Repeat Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Pokémon already registered in the Pokédex with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. |
Repel |
General items |
An item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps after its use. |
Reset Urge |
Battle items |
When used, it restores any stat changes of an ally Pokémon. |
Resist Feather |
Medicine |
Increases Defense EVs by 1. |
Resist Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases Defense EVs. |
Reveal Glass |
General items |
A looking glass that reveals the truth. It’s a mysterious glass that returns a Pokémon to its original shape. |
Revival Herb |
Medicine |
Revives a Pokémon to max HP, but lowers Friendship. |
Revive |
Medicine |
Revives a fainted Pokémon, restoring half its HP. |
Ribbon Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Ribbon Flavor Alcremie. |
Rice |
An ingredient with a touch of sweetness. It’s unclear how well this cooked rice will serve as a sandwich filling. |
Rindo Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Grasstype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Ring Target |
Hold items |
Moves that would otherwise have no effect will land on the Pokémon that holds it. |
Riolu Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Riolu, used in TM crafting. |
Rock Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Rocktype move only once. |
Rock Incense |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Rocktype moves. Breeding Sudowoodo produces Bonsly when held. |
Rock Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Rock type. |
Rock Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Rock. |
Rockium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Continental Crush, the Rock type ZMove. |
Rockruff Rock |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rockruff, used in TM crafting. |
Rocky Helmet |
Hold items |
If the holder of this item takes damage, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact.
Roller Skates |
General items |
Attaches roller skates to the bottom of your shoes, allowing you to glide quickly around and
perform tricks. |
Rolycoly Coal |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rolycoly, used in TM crafting. |
Rookidee Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rookidee, used in TM crafting. |
Room Service |
Hold items |
Lowers the Pokémon’s speed during Trick Room. |
Root Fossil |
General items |
A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a plant root. |
Rose Incense |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Grasstype moves. Breeding Roselia or Roserade produces Budew when held. |
Roseli Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fairytype attack. |
Roto Bargain |
Battle items |
Reduces the prices of products at Poké Marts by half. |
Roto Boost |
Battle items |
Raises all stats of your battling Pokémon. |
Roto Catch |
Battle items |
Increases the chance to catch Pokémon a lot. |
Roto Encounter |
Battle items |
Increases the chance of encountering highlevel wild Pokémon a lot for a certain period of time. |
Roto Exp. Points |
Battle items |
Increases the Exp. Points your Pokémon receive after battle a little. |
Roto Friendship |
Battle items |
Helps Pokémon in your party grow friendly faster. |
Roto Hatch |
Battle items |
Helps Eggs hatch faster. |
Roto HP Restore |
Battle items |
Fully restores the HP of your battling Pokémon. |
Roto PP Restore |
Battle items |
Fully restores the PP of your battling Pokémon. |
Roto Prize Money |
Battle items |
Triples the prize money you receive after battle. |
Roto Stealth |
Battle items |
Prevents you from encountering wild Pokémon for a certain period of time. |
Rotom Phone |
The latest model of smartphone. A Pokémon called Rotom lives within it, and it can be used to run all sorts of handy apps. |
Rotom Sparks |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rotom, used in TM crafting. |
Rowap Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon and a special attack lands, the attacker also takes damage. |
Rufflet Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Rufflet, used in TM crafting. |
Sablenite |
Hold items |
Enables Sableye to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Sableye Gem |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sableye, used in TM crafting. |
Sachet |
General items |
Evolves Spritzee when traded holding the item. |
Sacred Ash |
Medicine |
Revives all fainted Pokémon and fully restores their HP. |
Safari Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Pokémon in the Safari Zone or Great Marsh. |
Safety Goggles |
Hold items |
Prevents damage from weather and powder. |
Salac Berry |
Berries |
Raises Speed when HP is low. |
Salad Mix |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The assortment of vegetables looks quite appealing and healthy. |
Salamencite |
Hold items |
Enables Salamence to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Salandit Gas |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Salandit, used in TM crafting. |
Salt |
A very salty seasoning, unsurprisingly. People quite like the grains of salt that can be gathered from the footprints of particularly jagged Naclstack. |
Salt Cake |
General items |
Salty Herba Mystica |
One of the condiments spoken of as legends. Its mellow saltiness is said to be tremendously effective when it comes to promoting health. |
Sand Radish |
General items |
Sandile Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sandile, used in TM crafting. |
Sandwich |
A dish made by sandwiching vegetables, meat, or other ingredients between two pieces of bread. It makes a fantastic meal when out on a picnic. |
Sandygast Sand |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sandygast, used in TM crafting. |
Sassy Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match the Sassy nature. |
Sausages |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. These sausages should be boiled before eating. |
Scarlet Book |
A record of the expedition that the author, Heath, went on within the Great Crater of Paldea. The book has the name “Sada” written on it in clumsy handwriting. |
Scatter Bang |
General items |
Scatterbug Powder |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Scatterbug, used in TM crafting. |
Sceptilite |
Hold items |
Enables Sceptile to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Scizorite |
Hold items |
Enables Scizor to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Scope Lens |
Hold items |
Increases criticalhit ratio. |
Scroll of Darkness |
A peculiar scroll that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of darkness. |
Scroll of Waters |
A peculiar scroll that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of water. |
Scyther Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Scyther, used in TM crafting. |
Sea Incense |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Watertype moves. Breeding Marill or Azumarill produces Azurill when held. |
Seed of Mastery |
General items |
Serious Mint |
Battle items |
Changes the Pokémon’s stats to match a neutral nature. |
Seviper Fang |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Seviper, used in TM crafting. |
Shaderoot Carrot |
General items |
Produce that the King of Bountiful Harvests’ beloved steed likes to eat. It grew in a gloomy field. |
Shalour Sable |
Medicine |
Heals all major status conditions. |
Sharp Beak |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Flyingtype moves. |
Sharpedonite |
Hold items |
Enables Sharpedo to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Shed Shell |
Hold items |
A tough, discarded carapace to be held by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle. |
Shell Bell |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder’s HP is restored a little every time it inflicts damage. |
Shellder Pearl |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shellder, used in TM crafting. |
Shellos Mucus |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shellos, used in TM crafting. |
Shinx Fang |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shinx, used in TM crafting. |
Shiny Charm |
General items |
A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild. |
Shiny Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Shoal Salt |
General items |
Pure salt that can be discovered deep inside the Shoal Cave. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Shoal Shell |
General items |
A pretty seashell that can be found deep inside the Shoal Cave. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Shock Drive |
Hold items |
Changes Techno Blast to an Electrictype move when held by Genesect. |
Shroodle Ink |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shroodle, used in TM crafting. |
Shroomish Spores |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shroomish, used in TM crafting. |
Shuca Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Groundtype attack against the holding Pokémon |
Shuppet Scrap |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Shuppet, used in TM crafting. |
Silicobra Sand |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Silicobra, used in TM crafting. |
Silk Scarf |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Normaltype moves. |
Silver Bottle |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Silver Cup |
A popular option among hikers. It’s made with titanium, so it doesn’t rust even if it’s used to hold drinks with high sodium content. |
Silver Leaf |
General items |
Silver Nanab Berry |
Berries |
Greatly calms a Pokémon in battle, in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee. |
Silver Pick |
A silver pick that oozes class. Using it on a sandwich lends an extravagant air that’ll make you want to eat up, even if you don’t love the fillings. |
Silver Pinap Berry |
Berries |
Greatly increases chance of getting items when a Pokémon is caught, in Pokémon Let’s Go. |
Silver Powder |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Bugtype moves. |
Silver Razz Berry |
Berries |
Makes a Pokémon easier to catch in Pokémon Let’s Go. |
Sinistea Chip |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sinistea, used in TM crafting. |
Sitrus Berry |
Berries |
If held by a Pokémon, it heals the user’s HP a little. |
Skiddo Leaf |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Skiddo, used in TM crafting. |
Skrelp Kelp |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Skrelp, used in TM crafting. |
Skull Fossil |
General items |
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a head. |
Skwovet Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Skwovet, used in TM crafting. |
Sky Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Flyingtype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Flying. |
Sky Tumblestone |
General items |
Slakoth Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Slakoth, used in TM crafting. |
Slowbronite |
Hold items |
Enables Slowbro to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Slowpoke Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Slowpoke, used in TM crafting. |
Slowpoke Cup |
A cup for bigtime Pokémon fans. Kids will happily drink out of it, making it a boon to parents. |
Small Bouquet |
General items |
Smart Candy |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Attack stat by 1. |
Smart Candy L |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Attack stat. |
Smart Candy XL |
Medicine |
Increases a Pokémon’s Special Attack stat. |
Smiling Vee Pick |
A pick designed after Eevee, sporting the Pokémon’s smiling face. It’s easy to grab by the ears, which is part of why it’s so popular. |
Smoke Ball |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to flee from any wild Pokémon without fail. |
Smoke Bomb |
General items |
Smoke-Poke Tail |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. When a Slowpoke’s tail falls off, it grows back quickly. |
Smoked Fillet |
A very salty and bitter ingredient with that unmistakable smoky flavor. It pairs exceptionally well with veggies. |
Smoliv Oil |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Smoliv, used in TM crafting. |
Smooth Rock |
Hold items |
A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Sandstorm used by the holder. |
Sneasel Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sneasel, used in TM crafting. |
Snom Thread |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Snom, used in TM crafting. |
Snorlium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Snorlax to upgrade Giga Impact to a ZMove, Pulverizing Pancake. |
Snorunt Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Snorunt, used in TM crafting. |
Snover Berries |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Snover, used in TM crafting. |
Snowball |
Hold items |
Raises Attack if hit by an Icetype move. |
Soda Pop |
Medicine |
Restores 50 HP. |
Soft Sand |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Groundtype moves. |
Solganium Z |
Hold items |
Allows Solgaleo to upgrade Sunsteel Strike to a ZMove, Searing Sunraze Smash. |
Sootfoot Root |
General items |
Soothe Bell |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a bell with a comforting chime that calms the holder and makes it friendly. |
Soul Dew |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Psychic and Dragontype moves when held by Latios or Latias. Increases Sp.Atk/Sp.Def prior to Gen 7. |
Soul Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Soul Room at Ramanas Park. |
Sour Herba Mystica |
This surpassingly sour condiment is said to be super effective in helping the eater recover from exhaustion. Only a scant few people know it exists. |
Spell Tag |
Hold items |
Increases the power of Ghosttype moves. |
Spelon Berry |
Berries |
A Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Spice Mix |
General items |
One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. There are over fifty spices contained within this ingredient’s hot flavor. |
Spicy Herba Mystica |
The legendary condiment said to have the mightiest of all spicy flavors. It’s said that a single bite will kick the metabolism into high gear immediately. |
Spiritomb Fragment |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Spiritomb, used in TM crafting. |
Splash Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Watertype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Water. |
Spoiled Apricorn |
General items |
Spoink Pearl |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Spoink, used in TM crafting. |
Spooky Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Ghosttype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Ghost. |
Spooky Tablecloth |
A popartstyle tablecloth with Pokémon faces floating up from the deep nighttime blue. This is a musthave for fans of Ghost types. |
Sport Ball |
Pokeballs |
A special Poké Ball for the BugCatching Contest. |
Springy Mushroom |
General items |
Sprinklotad |
General items |
A watering can shaped like a Lotad. It helps promote the healthy growth of any Berries planted in good, soft soil. |
Squall Slate |
Squall Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Squall Room at Ramanas Park. |
Squawkabilly Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Squawkabilly, used in TM crafting. |
Stable Mulch |
General items |
A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A maniac will buy it for a high price. |
Stantler Hair |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Stantler, used in TM crafting. |
Star Piece |
General items |
A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles in a red color. It can be sold at a high price to shops. |
Star Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Star Flavor Alcremie. |
Stardust |
General items |
Lovely, redcolored sand with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a high price to shops. |
Starf Berry |
Berries |
Sharply raises a random stat when HP is low. |
Starly Feather |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Starly, used in TM crafting. |
Stealth Spray |
General items |
Steel Bottle (B) |
A goto bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. |
Steel Bottle (R) |
A goto bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. |
Steel Bottle (Y) |
A goto bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. |
Steel Gem |
Hold items |
Increases the power of a Steeltype move only once. |
Steel Memory |
Hold items |
Changes Silvally and its move MultiAttack to Steel type. |
Steel Tera Shard |
Changes a Pokémon’s Tera Type to Steel. |
Steelium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the use of Corkscrew Crash, the Steel type ZMove. |
Steelixite |
Hold items |
Enables Steelix to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Sticky Barb |
Hold items |
A held item that damages the holder on every turn. It may latch on to foes and allies that touch the holder. |
Sticky Glob |
General items |
Stone Plate |
Hold items |
Increases power of Rocktype moves. Changes Arceus’ type to Rock. |
Stonjourner Stone |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Stonjourner, used in TM crafting. |
Strange Ball |
Pokeballs |
Strange Souvenir |
General items |
An ornament depicting a Pokémon that is venerated as a protector in some region far from Kalos. |
Stratospheric Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Stratospheric Room at Ramanas Park. |
Strawberry |
A very tart and sweet ingredient, popular for its ability to make a sandwich visually striking. |
Strawberry Sweet |
Hold items |
Evolves Milcery into Strawberry Flavor Alcremie. |
Stretchy Spring |
General items |
Striped Bottle |
A striped bottle that’s small, light, and even comes with a cup. The detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. |
Striped Cup |
A cup for kids to use at picnics. It’s made of light but strong material. It’s stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. |
Striped Tablecloth |
A tablecloth with a fashionable striped pattern. It’s great at repelling water and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. |
Stunky Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Stunky, used in TM crafting. |
Sunkern Leaf |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Sunkern, used in TM crafting. |
Sunrise Flower Pick |
Sunrise Flower Pick |
A flower pick designed to evoke a glorious sunrise. It’s part of a line of “skyflower” picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. |
Sunset Flower Pick |
A flower pick designed to evoke a blazing sunset. It’s part of a line of “skyflower” picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. |
Super Potion |
Medicine |
Restores 60 HP. |
Super Repel |
General items |
An item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps after its use. |
Surskit Syrup |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Surskit, used in TM crafting. |
Swablu Fluff |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Swablu, used in TM crafting. |
Swampertite |
Hold items |
Enables Swampert to Mega Evolve during battle. |
Swap Snack |
General items |
Sweet Apple |
Hold items |
Evolves Applin into Appletun. |
Sweet Heart |
Medicine |
Very sweet chocolate. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by only 20 points. |
Sweet Herba Mystica |
A legendary condiment told of only in books. Word has it that one taste of its sweet flavor stimulates the digestive system and cures a lack of appetite. |
Swift Feather |
Medicine |
Increases Speed EVs by 1. |
Swift Mochi |
Medicine |
Increases Speed EVs. |
Swordcap |
General items |
Syrupy Apple |
Hold items |
Evolves Applin into Dipplin. |
Tadbulb Mucus |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Tadbulb, used in TM crafting. |
Tamato Berry |
Berries |
Increases Friendship but lowers Speed EVs. |
Tandemaus Fur |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Tandemaus, used in TM crafting. |
Tanga Berry |
Berries |
Weakens a supereffective Bugtype attack against the holding Pokémon. |
Tapunium Z |
Hold items |
Allows the Tapus to upgrade Nature’s Madness to a ZMove, Guardian of Alola. |
Tarountula Thread |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Tarountula, used in TM crafting. |
Tart Apple |
Hold items |
Evolves Applin into Flapple. |
Tatsugiri Scales |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Tatsugiri, used in TM crafting. |
Tauros Hair |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Tauros, used in TM crafting. |
Tectonic Slate |
A slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Tectonic Room at Ramanas Park. |
Teddiursa Claw |
General items |
Material obtained after defeating/catching Teddiursa, used in TM crafting. |
Tera Orb |
An orb that holds within it the power to crystallize. When it is charged with energy, it can be used to cause Pokémon to Terastallize. |
Terrain Extender |
Hold items |
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of the terrain caused by the holder’s move or Ability. |
Thick Club |
Hold items |
Increases Attack when held by Cubone or Marowak. |
Throat Spray |
Hold items |
Raises Sp. Atk when a soundbased move is used. |
Thunder Stone |
General items |
Evolves certain species of Pokémon. |
Timer Ball |
Pokeballs |
Catches Pokémon with a higher rate the more turns have occurred (up to 4x). |
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