Name: Pokémon Johto Legends
Author: Ferropexola
Platform: Gbc
Base Rom: Crystal
Version: Beta v0.3.5
Release: ________
Update: March 29, 2023
Status: _________
Language: English
Other Cheats:
codebreaker cheats
Battle Cheats
These cheats are designed for battles, allowing you to gain an edge over your opponents.
Easy Battle
In battle, Minimize opponents Pokemon’s stats.
PP 50 (in Battle/first pkm)
In battle, set the PP of all skills to 50.
Enemy Pokemon with 1 HP
You must activate and deactivate it to work, if you leave it activated the enemy will have 1 life but will not die.
Pokemon Cheats
Use these cheats to easily find different Pokémon, capture them without hassle, and gain experience quickly.
Pokemart Modifier
Activate the cheat and the first item in the pokemart will be the one you chose.
Replace YY with the item id. Examples: 010105D1 = Master Ball, 010D05D1 = Full Restore, 011E05D1 = Rare Candy
Item List
01 = Rocket Ball
02 = Ultra Ball
04 = Great Ball
05 = Poke Ball
6C = Dusck Ball
87 = Heavy Ball
8A = Lure Ball
8B = Fast Ball
8D = Friend Ball
8E = Moon Ball
8F = Love Ball
98 = Bug Ball
08 = Antidote
09 = Burn Heal
0A = Ice Heal
0B = Awakening
0C = Paralyze Heal
0D = Full Restore
0E = Max Potion
0F = Hyper Potion
10 = Super Potion
11 = Potion
12 = Escape Rope
13 = Repel
14 = Max Elixir
18 = HP Up
19 = Protein
1A = Iron
1B = Carbos
1D = Calcium
1E = Rare Candy
24 = Full Heal
25 = Revive
26 = Max Revive
28 = Super Repel
29 = Max Repel
2B = Fresh Water
2C = Soda Pop
2D = Lemonade
39 = PP Up
3A = Ether
3B = Max Ether
3C = Elixir
42 = Moomoo Milk
6A = Ragecandybar
70 = Energypowder
71 = Energy Root
72 = Heal Powder
73 = Revival Herb
7E = Berry Juice
86 = Sacred Ash
90 = Zinc
Evo Items
07 = Moon Stone
15 = Fire Stone
16 = Thunder Stone
17 = Water Stone
20 = Leaf Stone
4F = Dawn Stone
92 = Sun Stone
9A = Dusk Stone
9B = Ice Stone
9C = Shiny Stone
9E = Link Cable
9D = DubiousDisk
9F = Electirizer
A0 = Magmarizer
A1 = Razor Claw
A2 = Razor Fang
A3 = Protector
A5 = Royal Rock
Battle Items
1F = X Accuracy
23 = Poké Doll
27 = Guard Spec.
2A = Dire Hit
2E = X Attack
2F = X Defence
30 = X Speed
31 = X Special
22 = Nugget
50 = Tiny Mushroom
51 = Big Mushroom
5F = Slowpoketail
66 = Pearl
67 = Big Pearl
7A = Stardust
7B = Star Piece
Hold Itens
03 = Brightpowder
1C = Lucky Punch
21 = Metal Pownder
37 = Silver Leaf
3D = Wide Lens
3E = Choice Specs
3F = Focus Sash
43 = Quick Claw
45 = Gold Leaf
46 = Soft Sand
47 = Sharp Beak
4B = Poison Barb
4C = King’s Rock
52 = Silver Powder
54 = Amulet Coin
57 = Cleanse Tag
58 = Mystic Water
59 = Twisted Spoon
5B = Black Belt
5C = Life Orb
5D = Choice Band
5E = Blackglasses
60 = Pink Bow
61 = Stick
62 = Smoke Ball
63 = Nevermeltice
64 = Magnet
68 = Everstone
69 = Spell Tag
6D = Miracle Seed
6E = Thick Club
6F = Focus Band
74 = Hard Stone
75 = Lucky Egg
78 = Power Band
79 = Choice Scarf
7C = SpecialSpecs
7D = Charcoal
7F = Scope Lens
80 = Metal Coat
81 = Dragon Fang
82 = Leaftovers
84 = Dragon Scale
85 = Berserk Gene
8C = Light Ball
91 = Soothe Bell
93 = Polkadot Bow
94 = Up-grade
A4 = Steel Dagger
AF = Eviolite
88 = Flower Mail
89 = Flower Mail
B0 = Surf Mail
B1 = Litebluemail
B2 = Portraitmail
B3 = Lovely Mail
B4 = Eon Mail
B5 = Morph Mail
B6 = Bluesky Mail
B7 = Music Mail
B8 = Mirage Mail
44 = Pecha Berry
48 = Cherry Berry
49 = Aspear Berry
4A = Rawst Berry
4D = Persim Berry
4E = Chesto Berry
65 = Lum Berry
83 = Leppa Berry
95 = Oran Berry
96 = Sitrus Berry
B9 = TM01
BA = TM02
BB = TM03
BC = TM04
BD = TM05
BE = TM06
BF = TM07
C0 = TM08
C1 = TM09
C2 = TM10
C3 = TM11
C4 = TM12
C5 = TM13
C6 = TM14
C7 = TM15
C8 = TM16
C9 = TM17
CA = TM18
CB = TM19
CC = TM20
CD = TM21
CE = TM22
CF = TM23
D0 = TM24
D1 = TM25
D2 = TM26
D3 = TM27
D4 = TM28
D5 = TM29
D6 = TM30
D7 = TM31
D8 = TM32
D9 = TM33
DA = TM34
DB = TM35
DC = TM36
DD = TM37
DE = TM38
DF = TM39
E0 = TM40
E1 = TM41
E2 = TM42
E3 = TM43
E4 = TM44
E5 = TM45
E6 = TM46
E7 = TM47
E8 = TM48
E9 = TM49
EA = TM50
EB = TM51
EC = TM52
ED = TM53
EE = TM54
EF = TM55
F0 = TM56
F1 = TM57
F2 = TM58
F3 = TM59
F4 = TM60
F5 = TM61
F6 = TM62
F7 = TM63
F8 = TM64
F9 = TM65
FA = TM66
FB = TM67
FC = TM68
FD = TM69
FE = TM70
Key Items
06 = Bicycle
32 = Coin Case
33 = Itemfinder
34 = Exp.Share
35 = Old Rod
36 = good Rod
38 = Super Rod
40 = Clear Bell
41 = Silver Wing
53 = Old Amber
55 = Helix Fossil
56 = Dome Fossil
5A = Badge Pouch
6B = GS Berry
76 = Battle Card
77 = Strange Hair
97 = Squirtbottle
99 = Rainbow Wing
A6 = Scyther Call
A7 = Golem Call
A8 = Voltorb Call
A9 = Machamp Call
AA = Snubull Call
AB = Lapras Call
AC = Lapras CallB
AD = Lapras CallC
AE = Pidgeot Call
Items Cheats
Utilize these cheats to acquire various in-game items, including Poké Balls, Rare Candies, Potions, and much more.
Sell x255
Sell 1 item at pokemart, it will be worth x255 its price.
The PP cheat causes glitches with the textures
It’s only when I turn it on
Just following up
Better not to activate it then, it doesn’t always work, that’s why I don’t do it and Easy Battle for GBC roms anymore.
Which ones?
The item codes and the sell cheat doesn’t work
It’s working, the pokemart example was wrong, now it’s right. The cheat item will only appear when confirming the purchase, the description in the store will not change.
What about the sell code?
They still don’t work. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong
What emulator are you using and what version of your rom?
Pizza Boy C Pro version
And 0.3.5
I tested it here and the solution is to start the cheat with 01 instead of 00. This basically tells you which layer of RAM the cheat should look for the address.
Note: I found the My OldBoy emulator to be much better. For some reason, Pizza Boy C put the controls on top of the game screen, making it difficult to see. It also has a bug in the activation of cheats, allowing you to only activate one at a time and not allowing you to add multiple lines to a single cheat.
Cheat Bonus (Compensation for the delay)
Max Money
Which ones?
The item codes and the sell cheat doesn’t work
It’s working, the pokemart example was wrong, now it’s right. The cheat item will only appear when confirming the purchase, the description in the store will not change.
What about the sell code?
They still don’t work. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong
What emulator are you using and what version of your rom?
Pizza Boy C Pro version
And 0.3.5
I tested it here and the solution is to start the cheat with 01 instead of 00. This basically tells you which layer of RAM the cheat should look for the address.
Note: I found the My OldBoy emulator to be much better. For some reason, Pizza Boy C put the controls on top of the game screen, making it difficult to see. It also has a bug in the activation of cheats, allowing you to only activate one at a time and not allowing you to add multiple lines to a single cheat.
Cheat Bonus (Compensation for the delay)
Max Money