Name: Pokémon Crystal Advance Redux
Author: Arnie
Platform: Gba
Base Rom: FireRed
Version: v13-2-25
Release: ________
Update: February 13, 2025
Status: Completed
Language: English
Other Cheats:
codebreaker cheats
Battle Cheats
These cheats are designed for battles, allowing you to gain an edge over your opponents.
Easy Battle
42023BFC 0C0C
00000004 0002
42023C54 0000
00000004 0002
42023CAC 0C0C
00000004 0002
42023D04 0000
00000004 0002
By using the code, you’ll be able to maximize your Pokémon’s stats while minimizing those of your opponents.
PP 50 (in Battle/first pkm)
82023C08 3232
82023C0A 3232
By using the code, your Pokémon won’t run out of PP in battles.
Pokemon Cheats
Use these cheats to easily find different Pokémon, capture them without hassle, and gain experience quickly.
Any pokeball becomes masterball
82023D68 0001
8203FE00 0001
By using this cheat, you can transform any Poké Ball into a Master Ball.
100% catch rate
72023D74 9A93
82023D74 9A42
By using this cheat, the capture rate of wild Pokémon will be significantly increased.
Infinite Exp (hold “R”)
74000130 02FF
82023D50 00FF
When gaining exp after a battle, hold “R” to continue gaining infinitely, release “R” to stop gaining exp.
Items Cheats
Utilize these cheats to acquire various in-game items, including Poké Balls, Rare Candies, Potions, and much more.
Move Modifier
72023D74 8919
82023D74 8A1F
82024022 YYYY
72023D74 8A58
82023D74 8805
72023D74 8A43
82023D74 8805
Run from a battle to learn the move.
Move List
0001 = Pound
0002 = Karate Chop
0003 = DoubleSlap
0004 = Comet Punch
0005 = Mega Punch
0006 = Pay Day
0007 = Fire Punch
0008 = Ice Punch
0009 = Thunderpunch
000A = Scratch
000B = Vicegrip
000C = Guillotine
000D = Razor Wind
000E = Swords Dance
000F = Cut
0010 = Gust
0011 = Wing Attack
0012 = Whirlwind
0013 = Fly
0014 = Bind
0015 = Slam
0016 = Vine Whip
0017 = Stopm
0018 = Double Kick
0019 = Mega Kick
001A = Jump Kick
001B = Rolling Kick
001C = Sand-Attack
001D = Headbutt
001E = Horn Attack
001F = Fury Attack
0020 = Horn Drill
0021 = Tackle
0022 = Body Slam
0023 = Wrap
0024 = Take Down
0025 = Thrash
0026 = Double-Edge
0027 = Tail Whip
0028 = Poisoh Sting
0029 = Twineedle
002A = Pin Missile
002B = Read
002C = Bite
002D = Growl
002E = Roar
002F = Sing
0030 = Supersonic
0031 = Sonicboom
0032 = Disable
0033 = Acid
0034 = Ember
0035 = Flamethrower
0036 = Mist
0037 = Water Gun
0038 = Hydro Pump
0039 = Surf
003A = Ice Beam
003B = Blizzard
003C = Psybeam
003D = Bubblebeam
003E = Aurora Beam
003F = Hyper Beam
0040 = Peck
0041 = Drill Peck
0042 = Submission
0043 = Low Kick
0044 = Counter
0045 = Seismic Toss
0046 = Strength
0047 = Absorb
0048 = Mega Drain
0049 = Leech Seed
004A = Growth
004B = Razor Leaf
004C = Solarbeam
004D = Poisonpowder
004E = Stun Spore
004F = Sleep Powder
0050 = Petal Dance
0051 = String Shot
0052 = Dragon Rage
0053 = Fire Spin
0054 = Thundershock
0055 = Thunderbolt
0058 = Rock Throw
0057 = Thunder
0058 = Rock Throw
0059 = Earthquake
005A = Fissure
005B = Dig
005C = Toxic
005D = Confusion
005E = Psychic
005F = Hypnosis
0060 = Meditate
0061 = Agility
0062 = Quick Attack
0063 = Rage
0064 = Teleport
0065 = Night Shade
0066 = Mimic
0067 = Screech
0068 = Double Team
0069 = Recover
006A = Harden
006B = Minimize
006C = Smokescreen
006D = Confuse Ray
006E = Withdraw
006F = Defense Curl
0070 = Barrier
0071 = Light Screen
0072 = Haze
0073 = Reflect
0074 = Focus Energy
0075 = Bide
0076 = Metronome
0077 = Mirror Move
0078 = Selfdestruct
0079 = Egg Bomb
007A = Lick
007B = Smog
007C = Sludge
007D = Sludge
007E = Bone Club
007F = Waterfall
0080 = Clamp
0081 = Swift
0082 = Skull Bash
0083 = Spike Canon
0084 = Constrict
0085 = Amnesia
0086 = Kinesis
0087 = Softbiled
0088 = Hi Jump Kick
0089 = Glare
008A = Dream Eater
008B = Poison Gas
008C = Barrage
008D = Leech Life
008E = Lovely Kiss
008F = Sky Attack
0090 = Transform
0091 = Bubble
0092 = Dizzy Punch
0093 = Spore
0094 = Flash
0095 = Psywave
0096 = Splash
0097 = Acid Armor
0098 = Crabhammer
0099 = Explosion
009A = Fury Swipes
009B = Bonemerang
009C = Rest
009D = Rock Slide
009E = Hyper Fang
009F = Sharpen
00A0 = Conversion
00A1 = Tri Attack
00A2 = Super Fang
00A3 = Slash
00A4 = Substitute
00A5 = Struggle
00A6 = Sketch
00A7 = Triple Kick
00A8 = Thief
00A9 = Spider Web
00AA = Mind Reader
00AB = Nightmare
00AC = Flame Wheel
00AD = Snore
00AE = Curse
00AF = Flail
00B0 = Conversion 2
00B1 = Aeroblast
00B2 = Cotton Spore
00B3 = Reversal
00B4 = Spite
00B5 = Powder Snow
00B6 = Protect
00B7 = Mach Punch
00B8 = Scary Face
00B9 = Faint Attack
00BA = Sweet Kiss
00BB = Belly Drum
00BC = Sludge Bomb
00BD = Mud-Slap
00BE = Octazooka
00BF = Spikes
00C0 = Zap Cannon
00C1 = Foresight
00C2 = Destiny Bond
00C3 = Perish Song
00C4 = Icy Wind
00C5 = Detect
00C6 = Bone Rush
00C7 = Lock-On
00C8 = Outrage
00C9 = Sandstorm
00CA = Giga Drain
00CB = Endure
00CC = Charm
00CD = Rollout
00CE = False Swipe
00CF = Swagger
00D0 = Milk Drink
00D1 = Spark
00D2 = Fury Cutter
00D3 = Steel Wing
00D4 = Mean Look
00D5 = Attract
00D6 = Sleep Talk
00D7 = Heal Bell
00D8 = Return
00D9 = Present
00DA = Frustration
00DB = Safeguard
00DC = Pain Split
00DD = Sacred Fire
00DE = Magnitude
00DF = Dynamicpunch
00E0 = Megahorn
00E1 = Dragonbreath
00E2 = Baton Pass
00E3 = Encore
00E4 = Pursuit
00E5 = Rapid Spin
00E6 = Sweet Scent
00E7 = Iron Tail
00E8 = Metal Claw
00E9 = Vital Throw
00EA = Morning Sun
00EB = Synthesis
00EC = Moonlight
00ED = Hidden Power
00EE = Cross Chop
00EF = Twister
00F0 = Rain Dance
00F1 = Sunny Day
00F2 = Crunch
00F3 = Mirror Coat
00F4 = Psych Up
00F5 = Extremespeed
00F6 = Ancientpower
00F7 = Shadow Ball
00F8 = Future Sight
00F9 = Rock Snash
00FA = Whirlpool
00FB = Beat Up
00FC = Fake Out
00FD = Uproar
00FE = Stockpile
00FF = Spit Up
0100 = Swallow
0101 = Heat Wave
0102 = Hail
0103 = Torment
0104 = Flatter
0105 = Will-O-Wisp
0106 = Memento
0107 = Facade
0108 = Focus Punch
0109 = Smellingsalt
010A = Follow Me
010B = Nature Power
010C = Charge
010D = Taunt
010E = Helping Hand
010F = Trick
0110 = Role Play
0111 = Wish
0112 = Assist
0113 = Ingrain
0114 = Superpower
0115 = Magic Coat
0116 = Recycle
0117 = Revenge
0118 = Brick Break
0119 = yawn
011A = Knock Off
011B = Endeavor
011C = Eruption
011D = Skill Swap
011E = Imprison
011F = Refresh
0120 = Grudge
0121 = Snatch
0122 = Secret Power
0123 = Dive
0124 = Arm Thrust
0125 = Camoflauge
0126 = Tail Glow
0127 = Luster Purge
0128 = Mist Ball
0129 = Featherdance
012A = Teeter Dance
012B = Blaze Kick
012C = Mud Sport
012D = Ice Ball
012E = Needle Arm
012F = Slack Off
0130 = Hyper Voice
0131 = poison fang
0132 = Crush Claw
0133 = blast burn
0134 = Hydro Cannon
0135 = Meteor Mash
0136 = Astonish
0137 = Weatherball
0138 = Aromatherapy
0139 = Fake Tears
013A = Air Cutter
013B = Overheat
013C = Odor Sleuth
013D = Rock Tomb
013E = Silver Wind
013F = Metal Sound
0140 = Grasswhistle
0141 = tickle
0142 = Cosmic Power
0143 = Water Spout
0144 = Signal Beam
0145 = Shadow Punch
0146 = Extrasensory
0147 = Sky Uppercut
0148 = Sand Tomb
0149 = Sheer Cold
014A = Muddy Water
014B = Bullet Seed
014C = Aerial Ace
014D = Icicle Spear
014E = Iron Defense
014F = Block
0150 = Howl
0151 = Dragon Claw
0152 = Frenzy Plant
0153 = Bulk Up
0154 = Bounce
0155 = Mud Shot
0156 = poison tail
0157 = Covet
0158 = Volt Tackle
0159 = Magical Leaf
015A = Water Sport
015B = Calm Mind
015C = Leaf Blade
015D = Dragon Dance
015E = Rock Blast
015F = Shock Wave
0160 = Water Pulse
0161 = Doom Desire
0162 = Psycho Boost
Pokemart Modifier
82003884 YYYY
Activate the cheat and the first item in the pokemart will be the one you chose.
Item List
0001 = Master Ball
0002 = Ultra Ball
0003 = Great Ball
0004 = Poké Ball
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
00F1 = Level Ball
00F2 = Lure Ball
00F3 = Moon Ball
00F4 = Friend Ball
00F5 = Love Ball
00F6 = Heavy Ball
00F7 = Fast Ball
00F8 = Heal Ball
00F9 = Quick Ball
00FA = Dusk Ball
00FB = Cherish Ball
00FC = Sport Ball
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Paralyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = Moomoo Milk
001E = Energypowder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal Powder
0021 = Revival Herb
0022 = Ether
0023 = Max Ether
0024 = Elixir
0025 = Max Elixir
0026 = Lava Cookie
002C = Berry Juice
002D = Sacred Ash
003F = HP Up
0040 = Protein
0041 = Iron
0042 = Carbos
0043 = Calcium
0044 = Rare Candy
0045 = PP Up
0046 = Zinc
0047 = PP Max
0053 = Super Repel
0054 = Max Repel
0055 = Scape Rope
0056 = Repel
0027 = Blue Flute
0028 = Yellow Flute
0029 = Red Flute
002A = Black Flute
002B = White Flute
002E = Shoal Salt
002F = Shoal Shell
0030 = Red Shard
0031 = Blue Shard
0032 = Yellow Shard
0033 = Green Shard
0067 = Tinymushroom
0068 = Big Mushroom
006A = Pearl
006B = Big Pearl
006C = Stardust
006D = Star Piece
006E = Nugget
006F = Heart Scale
Evo Stones
005D = Sun Stone
005E = Moon Stone
005F = Fire Stone
0060 = ThunderStone
0061 = Water Stone
0062 = Leaf Stone
Battle Items
0049 = Guard Spec.
004A = Dire Hit
004B = X Attack
004C = X Defend
004D = X Speed
004E = X Accuracy
004F = X Special
0050 = Poke Doll
0051 = Fluffy Tail
0079 = Orange Mail
007A = Harbor Mail
007B = Glitter Mail
007C = Mech Mail
007D = Wood Mail
007E = Wave Mail
007F = Bead Mail
0080 = Shadow Mail
0081 = Tropic Mail
0082 = Dream Mail
0083 = Fab Mail
0084 = Retro Mail
0085 = Cherry Berry
0086 = Chesto Berry
0087 = Pecha Berry
0088 = Rawst Berry
0089 = Aspear Berry
008A = Leppa Berry
008B = Oran Berry
008C = Persim Berry
008D = Lum Berry
008E – Sitrus Berry
008F = Figy Berry
0090 = Wiki Berry
0091 = Mago Berry
0092 = Aguav Berry
0093 = Iapapa Berry
0094 = Razz Berry
0095 = Bluk Berry
0096 = Nanab Berry
0097 = Wepear Berry
0098 = Pinap Berry
0099 = Pomeg Berry
009A = Kelpsy Berry
009B = Qualot Berry
009C = Hondew Berry
009D = Grepa Berry
009E = Tamato Berry
009F = Cornn Berry
00A0 = Magost Berry
00A1 = Rabuta Berry
00A2 = Nomel Berry
00A3 = Spelon Berry
00A4 = Pantre Berry
00A5 = Watnel Berry
00A6 = Durin Berry
00A7 = Belue Berry
00A8 = Liechi Berry
00A9 = Ganlon Berry
00AA = Salac Berry
00AB = Petaya Berry
00AC = Apicot Berry
00AD = Lansat Berry
00AE = Starf Berry
00AF = Enigma Berry
Hold Items
00B3 = Bright Powder
00B4 = White Herb
00B5 = Macho Brace
00B6 = Exp Share
00B7 = Quick Claw
00B8 = Soothe Bell
00B9 = Mental Herb
00BA = Choice Band
00BB = King’s Rock
00BC = Silver Powder
00BD = Amulet Coin
00BE = Cleanse Tag
00BF = Soul Dew
00C0 = DeepSeaTooth
00C1 = DeepSeaScale
00C2 = Smoke Ball
00C3 = Everstone
00C4 = Focus Band
00C5 = Lucky Egg
00C6 = Scope Lens
00C7 = Metal Coat
00C8 = Leftovers
00C9 = Dragon Scale
00CA = Light Ball
00CB = Soft Sand
00CC = Hard Stone
00CD = Miracle Seed
00CE = Black Glasses
00CF = Black Belt
00D0 = Magnet
00D1 = Mystic Water
00D2 = Sharp Beak
00D3 = Poison Barb
00D4 = Nevermelt Ice
00D5 = Spell Tag
00D6 = Twisted Spoon
00D7 = Charcoal
00D8 = Dragon Fang
00D9 = Silk Scarf
00DA = Upgrade
00DB = Shell Bell
00DC = Sea Incense
00DD = Lax Incense
00DE = Lucky Punch
00DF = Metal Powder
00E0 = Thick Club
00E1 = Stick
00FE = Red Scarf
00FF = Blue Scarf
0100 = Pink Scarf
0101 = Green Scarf
0102 = Yellow Scarf
011E = Root Fossil
011F = Claw Fossil
0162 = Old Amber
0165 = Helix Fossil
0166 = Dome Fossil
0121 = TM01
0122 = TM02
0123 = TM03
0124 = TM04
0125 = TM05
0126 = TM06
0127 = TM07
0128 = TM08
0129 = TM09
012A = TM10
012B = TM11
012C = TM12
012D = TM13
012E = TM14
012F = TM15
0130 = TM16
0131 = TM17
0132 = TM18
0133 = TM19
0134 = TM20
0135 = TM21
0136 = TM22
0137 = TM23
0138 = TM24
0139 = TM25
013A = TM26
013B = TM27
013C = TM28
013D = TM29
013E = TM30
013F = TM31
0140 = TM32
0141 = TM33
0142 = TM34
0143 = TM35
0144 = TM36
0145 = TM37
0146 = TM38
0147 = TM39
0148 = TM40
0149 = TM41
014A = TM42
014B = TM43
014C = TM44
014D = TM45
014E = TM46
014F = TM47
0150 = TM48
0151 = TM49
0152 = TM50
0153 = HM01
0154 = HM02
0155 = HM03
0156 = HM04
0157 = HM05
0158 = HM06
0159 = HM07
015A = HM08
Sell x5000
830050A8 1388
Sell one item at the Poké Mart, and it will be valued at x5000 its original price.
This got updated again
It got updated again
Can you update this on Pokeharbor?
What cheats? It has to be codebreaker.
It’s just that version of the game is extremely outdated. Do the cheats still work on the new version?
The request specified this version, so I thought it was the latest. I’m already updating to the version that was released yesterday (23-9-24).
Thank you
Can you update this on Pokeharbor?
What cheats? It has to be codebreaker.
It’s just that version of the game is extremely outdated. Do the cheats still work on the new version?
The request specified this version, so I thought it was the latest. I’m already updating to the version that was released yesterday (23-9-24).
Thank you