Name: Pokémon Black and White 3: Genesis
Author: Azure_Keys
Platform: Gbc
Base Rom: Crystal
Version: v1.2
Release: —————
Update: March 10, 2023
Status: completed
Language: English
Pokemon Black and White 3 is a Gbc ROM Hack by Aaghat based on Pokemon Crystal in English.
Black and White 3: Genesis is a hack of Pokémon Crystal version. Previously known as Untitled Unova Game.
gameshark CHEATS
Battle Cheats
These cheats are designed for battles, allowing you to gain an edge over your opponents.
Easy Battle
By using the code, you’ll be able to maximize your Pokémon’s stats while minimizing those of your opponents.
PP 50 (in Battle/first pkm)
By using the code, your Pokémon won’t run out of PP in battles.
Enemy Pokemon with 1 HP
You must activate and deactivate it to work, if you leave it activated the enemy will have 1 life but will not die.
Items Cheats
Utilize these cheats to acquire various in-game items, including Poké Balls, Rare Candies, Potions, and much more.
Pokemart modifier
Item List (Incomplete)
01 = Master Ball
02 = Ultra Ball
04 = Great Ball
05 = Poke ball
3C = Dive Ball
42 = Timer Ball
43 = Quick Ball
45 = Repeat Ball
09 = Antidote
0A = Burn Heal
0B = Ice Heal
0C = Awakening
0D = Paralyze Heal
0E = Full Restore
0F = Max Potion
10 = Hyper Potion
11 = Super Potion
12 = Potion
13 = Escape Rope
14 = Repel
15 = Max Elixir
1A = HP Up
1B = Protein
1C = Iron
1D = Carbos
1E = Heart Scale
1F = Calcium
20 = Rare Candy
26 = Full Heal
27 = Revive
28 = Max Revive
2A = Super Repel
2B = Max Repel
2E = Fresh Water
2F = Soda Pop
30 = Lemonade
3E = PP Up
3F = Ether
40 = Max Ether
41 = Elixir
48 = Moomoo Milk
Evo Stones
08 = Moon Stone
16 = Fire Stone
17 = Thunder Stone
18 = Water Stone
19 = Dawn Stone
22 = Leaf Stone
2D = Shell Stone
5A = Ice Stone
Battle Itens
25 = Poke Doll
21 = X Accuracy
29 = Guard Spec.
2C = Dire Hit
31 = X Attack
33 = X Defence
34 = X Speed
35 = X Special
Sell Itens
24 = Nugget
56 = Tiny Mushroom
57 = Big Mushroom
Hold Itens
23 = Metal Pownder
38 = Light Clay
39 = Exp. Share
46 = Wide Lens
47 = Zoom Lens
49 = Quick Claw
4B = Air Balloon
4C = Soft Sand
4D = Sharp Beak
51 = Poison Barb
52 = King’s Rock
58 = Silver Powder
5B = Amulet Coin
5E = Cleanse Tag
5F = Mystic Water
60 = Twisted Spoon
62 = Black Belt
03 = Bright Powder
4A = Pecha Berry
4E = Cherry Berry
4F = Aspear Berry
50 = Rawst Berry
53 = Persim Berry
54 = Chesto Berry
55 = Red Apricorn
59 = Blue Apricorn
5C = Yellow Apricorn
5D = Green Apricorn
61 = White Apricorn
Activate the cheat and the first item in the pokemart will be the one you chose.
Replace YY with the item id. Examples: 010108D1 = Master Ball, 010E08D1 = Full Restore, 012008D1 = Rare Candy
Sell x255
Sell one item at the Poké Mart, and it will be valued at x255 its original price.
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Hi again! is it possible now to add a cheat codes for Yellow Legacy? Like this one? Thank you!
[…] Base Rom: Crystal […]
Please avoid asking for cheats for a rom in the comments of another rom, this makes the site a mess. Even if the rom was posted a long time ago, when there is a new comment it will appear at the top of the moderation comments list, so we will know about your comment even without opening the post.
Hi again! is it possible now to add a cheat codes for Yellow Legacy? Like this one? Thank you!